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“Everything is already loaded on the bus. Emma is asleep, I will just carry her out and put her in bed.” Rose picked up a sleeping Emma and headed toward the back exit.

“Thanks, Mom.” She pulled on her coat. “And thank you,” she said wrapping her arms around my waist, pulling me against her.

“For what?” I held her close to me, looking into her emerald green eyes.

“For everything. You never gave up on us, or me. I never thought I would be able to have this life and a life with you at the same time.”

“I would do anything for you. It doesn’t matter where you go, I won’t let go again.” I pressed my lips to hers.

I began to pull away, but she wasn’t ready yet. She wrapped her hand around my neck and pulled me back in, adding a little bite to my bottom lip.

“What do you say we make the ride home go a little quicker?” She pulled away, meeting my eyes.

“I think that is a great idea. I’m going to have to keep you pregnant more often,” I teased. I loved her pregnancy hormones. She wanted it anytime of the day, didn’t matter if we had already had sex three times that morning, she was always ready and wanting me.

“I don’t think so,” she said leaving me standing alone in her dressing room.

I had to run to catch up. I held her hand as they opened the back exit where we were hit with thousands of screams. We made our way into the crowd and she stopped and signed autographs along the way.

We boarded the bus. As the driver closed the door behind us, I had to stop and turn around. I needed to get in one last memory of all those people that came out to see my wife, the girl that I had always loved. It was surreal looking over the crowd of screaming fans.

“Hey you,” she said peeking her head out of the small room in the back.

I turned my head from the crowd of people and looked at my beautiful wife. Biting her bottom lip, she beckoned me with her finger. I gave the crowd one last look before chasing after her. She giggled and tried to run, but I caught her in my arms and lowered my kiss to her neck.

I wrapped my hands around her growing belly and felt my heart swell. We really did have it all, even if it was a long ride getting there.

We had overcame everything, and in spite of all the mishaps, we made it. We were married, had a beautiful daughter, and a son on the way. Lennox had her dream career and I still had my shop that meant so much to my dad. I never in a million years would have thought that I would end up where I was, but I was so glad that I did.

“Let’s go home,” I said lowering her onto the small bed.

“I love you, Mason.”

“More than you will ever know,” I added on before moving my lips to hers.

