Page 31 of Easy (Burnout 4)

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Abby blushed again and nodded. “I’m his… submissive. That’s-”

Daisy nodded. “I have cable,” she said. “Well, I didn’t. Ricky Snell did, though. And one time we watched that movie 9 1/2 Weeks. It was hot… but creepy.”

Abby laughed. “It’s not exactly like that.”

“Good. ‘Cause he was an asshole.”

“Tex isn’t an asshole. He’s… God… he’s the most amazing man I’ve ever met.”

Daisy leaned back into her chair. “Well, damn,” she said looking at all three women. “I guess there are only three great guys in the world and they’re spoken for. Figures that’d be my luck.”

“Easy’s not an asshole,” Sarah told her.

Daisy made a face and sipped her drink.

“Really, he’s not. He’s just… had some problems lately.”

Daisy snorted. “Yeah. His cock seems to have taken over for his brain.”

“It’s not like that,” Sarah insisted. “I just… I don’t want you to think that about him.”

“Sarah,” Tildy said quietly. “He did her in a public bathroom and didn’t even ask her name.”

“He was upset!”

Everyone stared at her and she put her glass on the table. “Okay,” she sighed. “But you can’t say anything. At all.”

Abby and Tildy put their glasses down as well and Daisy figured this was the part where they were going to dish.

“Brenda, that girl he was seeing?” she said for Daisy’s benefit. “He caught her making fun of his leg.”

Abby’s mouth dropped open. “Oh, my God!”

“Witch!” Tildy cried, giving Daisy the impression that she didn’t curse all that much, either.

Daisy could think of some other choice words for a girl like that. “What the hell is wrong with her?”

Sarah shook her head. “I don’t know. But that’s always been his biggest fear. He doesn’t say it, but I know. He’s afraid of what girls will think of his leg. It’s why he’s never gone with anyone until her.”

Tildy looked puzzled. “He’s with a different girl every weekend at Maria’s.”

“But he never goes home with them,” Sarah pointed out. “And when we lived next door, he never had one over. Have you ever seen a girl at his place?”

Tildy considered it then shook her head. “Never.”

“So, he never really dates them,” Sarah concluded. “He just talks to them.”

Daisy swirled her straw into her own sangria and watched the ice melt. “So, um, if he’s never been with a girl that you know of, then how long…?” She let it trail off and finally looked up at Sarah, who seemed to have known Easy the longest.

“Almost three years,” she told Daisy.

Daisy whistled and sat back in her chair. “Holy shit,” she whispered. “Three years?”

“That explains a lot,” Abby said quietly. “I didn’t realize.”

Daisy shifted uncomfortably in her seat. “I wasn’t very nice about it,” she said, feeling ashamed.

Sarah sighed. “Well, doing it in a bathroom was a bad choice,” she pointed out. “If he’d have waited and had a… connection with someone, it would’ve been better.”

Or maybe he just needed a little more privacy, Daisy thought, remembering the night before when Easy had played her like a six-string guitar, his fingers like magic, everywhere at once. And that cock…

She cleared her throat then snatched her sangria off the table to hide her discomfort. She liked these girls, but she wasn’t about to tell them what had happened… or how he’d just walked out on her afterwards.

An hour later, Daisy had several pairs of new underwear that she probably really couldn’t afford but hadn’t been able to resist buying anyway. It was just a shame that she’d managed to have sex twice since coming to Rapid City, both times in her old granny panties. She grimaced at the memory of having worn them with the hottest guy she’d ever seen up close. Given how he’d walked out on her, it seemed unlikely she’d have another opportunity. Now, holding the door to the tattoo parlor open for a sober and nervous Tildy, she spotted Adam, the second hottest guy she’d ever laid eyes on, and further lamented that she wasn’t going to get any of that, either.

She stepped inside, and he grinned at her from the doorway of a booth. His shop was nice, clean and well-thought out. There were semi-private rooms on both sides, one for each artist, she assumed. On the wall were large sheets of flash. She pictured having her own sheets up there someday, if her commission work started taking off. She’d never have the patience to learn to tattoo herself or to sit with annoying college girls or guys with roaming hands long enough to put on one on, but drawing was perfect. She could work alone in quiet, out of the way places and just watch the world go by.

Adam sauntered over, looking mouth-watering in leather pants. Daisy had never seen anyone but rockers actually be able to pull off that look. He greeted Tildy warmly and gestured to one of semi-private rooms. It had a large bathroom connected to it, and he told her there was a towel hanging on the rack. Tildy paled and looked like she might bolt, but, surprisingly, she rallied, and Adam went to make a photocopy of Daisy’s hawk drawing while she changed.
