Page 32 of Easy (Burnout 4)

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“Daisy,” Adam called out from the open doorway.

As she stepped out of the room and back into the larger lobby, he held out some cash to her. “The guy loved it,” he told her. “I figured he would.” He grinned at her. “Guess we settled on money instead of sex.”

Daisy folded the bills and stuffed them into her pocket. “Better than money for sex, I suppose.”

He laughed. “It’s for the best,” he told her. “I’m all for three-ways but not with another guy.”

Daisy’s face darkened and she shook her head. “There’s nothing going on between me and Jimmy.”

Adam laughed again. “Honey, a guy comes to your motel room looking to go to the mat with another guy, that’s something. Trust me.”

“He wasn’t going to fight you!”

“He would have if I’d have stayed,” he assured her. “He wanted you, Daisy. He wasn’t there for coffee and conversation.”

“Not true,” Daisy grumbled and looked away.

“Did you have coffee and conversation? Or did the two of you twist up your sheets?”

Daisy felt her shoulders sag. “I didn’t plan it,” she mumbled.

Behind them, someone gasped, and Daisy whipped her head around. Abby, Sarah, and even Tildy, wrapped in her towel from the waist down, stood in a tight group in on the other side of the open doorway.

“Oh, my God!” Sarah cried. “You did it again?!”

Daisy groaned loudly. Adam’s eyes twinkled. “Sorry, honey,” he told her and walked away. Daisy turned to face the horde.

“I didn’t plan it!” she repeated.

“Are you going to see him again?” Sarah asked.

“I’m not seeing him now!”

“You slept with him twice!”

“He just… keeps showing up!” Daisy cried.

Sarah stepped forward, suddenly concerned. “Daisy-”

Daisy put up her hands to ward her off. “I’m not going to hurt him, Sarah. I promise you. I get it now, all of it.”

Sarah shook her head. “But-“

“I’m pretty sure it’s over,” Daisy told her. “He walked out on me, didn’t even say goodbye. I think… well, I’m pretty sure he just wanted to prove that he could do better than the first time. Mission Accomplished. I… I wish he was interested in me,” she admitted. “But he’s not.”

“He’s just scared.”

“I can’t make him like me, Sarah.”

Sarah bit her lip and looked at Daisy. “Could you try?” she asked.

Chapter 17

Tildy pulled up to a cute, white house with black shutters and parked her car in the driveway.

“This used to be Shooter’s place,” she explained as she got out of the car. “Before he met Sarah and bought the cabin for her.” She nodded her head to the smaller, blue house next door. “That’s his, too.”

“Who lives there?” Daisy asked. When Tildy didn’t answer, she tore her gaze from the house and to her new friend. “Oh, you’re kidding.”

Tildy shook her head and gathered up her shopping bags from the car’s trunk. “Nope.”

“I seem to have fucked myself into a black hole from which there’s no escape,” Daisy grumbled.

Tildy blushed but laughed. She unlocked the front door, ushered Daisy in, and closed it behind them. “I like it,” Daisy declared.

“The bathroom’s amazing!” Tildy told her and tossed the bags on the couch. “The kitchen’s nice, too. All new appliances. If I can ever figure out how to actually use them. Sarah’s trying to teach me to cook. It’s going okay, I guess. But I’m not as good as she is.”

“I’ve only eaten there once, and I think it’s safe to say no one’s as good as she is,” Daisy agreed.

Tildy tugged at her waistband and grimaced.

“Itches?” Daisy asked.

Tildy nodded.

“Well, whatever you do, don’t scratch it. The ink will bleed and it’ll look terrible. Just take your pants off.”

Tildy looked horrified and glanced around at the completely private living room. “Just… walk around in my underwear?!”

Daisy laughed. “Well, I certainly don’t care. I doubt your man does.”

The young woman frowned and skirted around the kitchen island. “I couldn’t do that,” she said and headed toward the hallway. “I’ll be right back.”

She appeared minutes later wearing an oversize jersey knit sleep shirt that hung just below her butt. It was pink, and not like anything Daisy would wear to bed, but it seemed to suit her. “That’s what you wear to bed?”

Tildy blushed and nodded.

“Those panties are going be a big hit.”

Tildy grinned and came back into the kitchen. She grabbed a bottle of wine off the counter and opened a drawer. “I know,” she told Daisy. “He’ll love them. He’s not going to be thrilled about the tattoo, though.”

Daisy shrugged. “He’ll get over it.”

Tildy filled two glasses and began pulling various items out of the fridge. “You want to stay for dinner?” she asked. “Such as it is?”

Daisy nodded. “Absolutely. Thanks.” She wandered through the kitchen to the attached dining area, passing by the sliding glass door and did a double take. “Whoa,” she said, stopping in her tracks. There was Easy, in total shirtless glory with a sheen of sweat covering his chest.
