Page 34 of Easy (Burnout 4)

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Hawk surged forward, seized her around the waist with both hands, and spun her until she was pinned against the wall. Daisy almost dropped her wine glass. Tildy wasn’t hurt at all, but Lord above she was shocked as hell and nearly hyperventilating. Hawk pressed his crotch between Tildy’s legs and Daisy got vicariously wet just from watching.

“I heard you,” he said quietly. “You said you want my mark on your ass and my seed in your belly and since you’ve already got one, I guess that means we need to work on the other one.”

Tildy made a kind of mewling noise and closed her eyes.

“Daisy,” Hawk said, a bit more loudly.

“I’ll show myself out,” she replied, finishing off the glass and setting it down on the counter. “You two have fun!”

She slipped out the front door and closed it softly behind her.

Chapter 18

Easy finally finished the lawn and wrestled the mower back into the corner of the garage. He wiped his brow with the back of his hand and headed for the cool air-conditioning of his house. He wasn’t particularly looking forward to an entire summer of this, but it wasn’t like he had a choice, either. He grasped the handle of the large bay door and pulled. When it met the concrete of the driveway, he bent to twist the handle and lock it into position.

“Nice view.”

He jerked his head around to see Daisy standing on the sidewalk, eyeing him appreciatively. He stood up and shielded his eyes with his hand. Ignoring her comment, he said, “What are you doing here?” It was a slight moment of panic or maybe just irritation. Surely she didn’t think they had some kind of relationship, not just because they’d screwed a couple of times. He certainly hadn’t meant to leave her that impression.

She grinned at him. “I was visiting Tildy.”

He sighed inwardly and relaxed his guard a little. The last thing he needed was some chick breaking into his house or telling everyone they were getting married. Granted those things had worked out for Tex and Hawk, respectively, but Easy wasn’t headed down that road.

“But if you’re going to walk around shirtless,” she told him, “bending over all the time, I might visit more often.”

He frowned. There didn’t seem to be anything to say to that without putting ideas in her head. “Don’t you have to work tonight?” he asked. Truthfully, he had thought to seek her out after her shift. Last night had been good, better than he’d been hoping for actually. The look on Daisy’s face as she’d laid on the bed was all the evidence he’d needed to conclude she’d enjoyed it, too. She wouldn’t be telling anyone else that story about the bathroom. He felt confident that he’d fucked the memory out of her pretty little head.

She was cute, he had to admit. Cover up the tats and take out the nose piercing and she’d be just his type. In the looks department. In the sex department she was pretty good, too, but that mouth of hers- yikes. He sure as hell didn’t need a woman like Slick, picking fights and winning them, too. Even Abby, who no doubt used her mouth for something other than sassing Tex, at least in the bedroom, was too high maintenance with Dom/sub bullshit and constantly needed tending to. Tildy would’ve been perfect, if he’d met her in basic or on R&R and hadn’t been blown to shit right after.

A beautiful, polite, nice girl who would move into a house on base and fill it up with kids while he earned his commission. But that possibility was long gone. In its place would be other women, a lot of them, for the rest of his life, which wasn’t a bad way to live, he realized, now that he knew he could do it. At least he wouldn’t have to settle for his hand anymore. As he looked at her now, he imagined her bent over again, her golden curls moistening as he used her in all kinds of filthy ways. It seemed dangerous to try that now, though. This was his place, and she’d caught him off guard. Everything about this moment had him off balance.

“My shift starts pretty soon. You could give me a ride,” she suggested.

Easy frowned harder. One, he wasn’t comfortable with trying it, and two, she might get ideas in her head. Before Hawk met Tildy he never let a woman share the saddle. “They get territorial,” he’d explained.

Easy shook his head. “Can’t. Got to shower.”

She smiled at him again. “Me, too. Want to do your part to save the Earth and invite me in? I’ll wash your back, if you wash mine, okay and your front, if you’re nice. And maybe-”

Easy shivered at the thought of her seeing his stump and of having to explain the white, plastic stool. Nothing about showering with him would even be remotely sexy. He turned and walked toward the front porch. “Later, Daisy,” he said as he mounted the steps.

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