Page 21 of Unwanted Bonds

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The next morning, Joel had an appointment with his dentist, so Levi drove me to school and we picked Nyra up on the way there.

“Good morning, Nyra.” I greeted her as she hopped into the car.

“Morning.” She replied as she got into the backseat and shut the door.

“Morning,” Levi greeted.

While Levi drove out of Nyra’s driveway, Nyra poked me in the back so I pushed my head between the driver and passenger’s seat so I could look back at her, only to find her pointing at Levi and giving me a thumbs up.

I shook my head fondly at her and introduced her to Levi. “Nyra, this is Levi Dupont. Levi, this is Nyra Sameera.”

Levi smiled politely as their gazes met in the rear mirror. “Nice to meet you.”

In return, Nyra grinned, “Nice to meet you, too.”

Levi’s brows furrowed as he turned back to look at Nyra, whose head was visible in the space between the driver and passenger seat.

With a thoughtful frown, he asked, “Hey, have we met? Your scent seems familiar.”

Nyra frowned and shook her head before responding, “Not that I know of.”

I looked at Levi with a questioning look and he shrugged, “It seems I may have encountered someone with a similar scent to yours. Unfortunately, I can’t remember who it is.”

“Oh . . .” Nyra replied.

The car settled into a few minutes of awkward silence. To bring some life into the car, I asked Nyra, “So what was the big news you sent me a text so early in the morning about?”

At my words, she giggled, “Ha ha . . . karma got served this early morning. Late last night, Alice exposed the fact that the guy who rescued you from the party was your true mate. She made some nonsensical post about how she pitied Levi because you knew you had a true mate, yet you cheated on him with the Crawfords and Mateo.”

“How do you know it’s Alice, though? We use anonymous usernames on the forums . . .” I asked.

“Wait a minute, I’m getting there. So this morning, Aiden outed her and revealed to everyone that she was the owner of the account before sending out a list of all the guys that she slept with at school and highlighting the ones she cheated on her boyfriend with before they broke up. She has over a hundred posts on the forum and she seems to have only used her account to anonymously expose secrets and spread rumors around the school. There’s an open forum where the girls she spread rumors about are planning to confront her.” She said with a chuckle.

I looked back at her and shook my head at how much she seemed to be enjoying Alice’s misfortune. “I think you’re enjoying this a little too much.”

“I think you’re the one who isn’t enjoying it when you should. Do you know how many rumors she spread about you using that account?” She complained.

I shook my head. “I don’t care. I already moved out of her house, anyway.”

“You moved out?” She asked, pushing her head through the space between the driver and passenger seats from the backseat.

“Yeah. I moved in with Levi. Want to come see it?” I asked, looking back at her with a smile.

Levi, who had been pretending to be invisible, cleared his throat as he said, “Aurora, don’t forget that we have a date after your last class today?”

I glanced at him, met his eyes, and then looked away. “Um, yes . . . how about coming over tomorrow, Nyra?”

“Sure thing!” Nyra glanced at both of us before agreeing.

“We’re here,” Levi said, and I glanced out the window and noticed that we were parked in the same parking lot where Levi had dropped me off the day before.

Nyra and I got out of his car and waved at him, ignoring everyone else in the parking lot who was staring at us like we were stars in an entertaining reality TV show.

When I walked through the main hallways with Nyra this time, there was no name calling, so I guessed that Caden had done something about it like he’d promised.

Unfortunately, the thought of him soiled my mood, and I pursed my lips as I waved farewell to Nyra, who was going to the next building for her morning class before turning to go down the hallway for my Soul Animals Communication class.
