Page 19 of Accepted Bonds

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There was amusement in his voice as he said, “Good.I haven’t seen you for a while and I can’t wait to see you.Are you teleporting to the Supernatural Council’s teleportation station or Ni Daonni City’s public station?Is your mom there?”

I shook my head before remembering that this wasn’t a video call when Mateo’s lips curled in amusement.“Mom isn’t here, but Daddy Reece said we’re using the public station.Do you want to come pick us up?”

“Yeah, I’ll be there.Give me a second.”I heard some vague whispering before he returned to the call.“Aurora, I have to go now.I’ll talk to you later.”

“Okay, Dad.Take care of yourself!”I said, looking into Mateo’s eyes, unable to stop myself from getting mesmerized by the golden flecks in them.

We both listened to my dad drop the call before Mateo moved closer to me and dropped a kiss on my lips.At the same time, Caden dropped a kiss that turned into a light bite in the junction between my neck and my shoulder.

“Your parents don’t want us to be together,” Caden said quietly, his hot breath on the back of my neck giving me goosebumps.

“They’re ...just not sure about you guys,” I said, trying to defend my parents as Mateo pushed back a lock of hair covering my eyes.

“And they’re taking you away for two entire weeks.If it wasn’t because we’d also be at the Alphas Congress, we wouldn’t be able to see you for a whole month.”Mateo said in a discouraged voice.

“Listen, it’s not just because of what happened at that party.My parents are just ...overprotective.It took them years to warm up to Levi.Just give them time.”I said, trailing a finger down Mateo’s nose.

“It’s okay.If there’s anything we have, it’s time.As long as you stay safe and don’t put yourself in danger with all these missions and cases, we have time to wear their disapproval down.”Caden said, draping a hand over my waist and Mateo’s as he moved closer to me.

My voice held my frustration as I complained, “You keep saying that, but I didn’t put myself in danger.I just met someone I knew and spoke to him.”

“You should have called us or, or—”

Mateo interrupted Caden.“Okay, now is not the time to play blame games.She made a mistake, but it’s over now.Caden, stop making it sound like she put herself in danger.”

Silence fell in the room as Mateo smoothed my hair with his hand, holding onto a lock as I gripped the hem of his shirt, studying the pattern on his shirt like it was the most interesting thing I’d ever seen.

“I’m sorry.I don’t truly think you’re at fault.I just can’t seem to forget how close I came to losing you or how gaunt you looked when I arrived at the hospital and saw you lying on that bed, unconscious.Then I get paranoid that you’re in danger.Sometimes I start to count the minutes until I can see you again to confirm that you’re alright.”

I made to turn in the small bed, allowing Mateo to assist me by holding my waist as I flipped over to face Caden.

I moved close to him until we were face to face, our mouths so close that our noses were touching.“I’m fine.What happened was an oversight because I knew Nyra.And you’re right.It was partly my fault.I let my guard down and allowed all of my Dads’ training to seem like a waste of time.But I’ve learned my lesson now.I promise that I’ll be more careful next time.Good?”

“Good,” Caden said, leaning down to kiss me.

The kiss was slower and deeper than our usual kisses, but it was still as hungry as our other kisses.By the time Caden withdrew from the kiss to drop a trail of little kisses from my face to my neck, I was out of breath, pushing my fingers into his hair as Mateo trailed his fingers up my arm.

An involuntary shiver of desire rocked my body.In reaction, Mateo gripped my arm and pushed me back to lie on my back in the narrow hospital bed.

Then he leaned over me to cover my lips with his.The flavor of our kiss was totally different from the hungry kisses I always engaged in with Caden.Mateo was a very artful kisser, and he enjoyed the act of kissing.When we started kissing, he was always fully engrossed in the act, exploring different ways of moving his tongue or mine.

Our lips brushed against each other with a gentle insistence, savoring the warmth, intimacy, and electric heat in our connection as he entangled my tongue in a dance that he was in charge of choreographing.

Desire pooled in my core as Caden’s hand trailed down my hospital gown before trailing up my legs again.

I was one of those girls who always felt awkward.Even in clothes that I picked out myself, I always felt like everyone could see the flaws of my body, such as my tiny boobs or how my hips were a little wider and how my butt was not as big as it could be.When I thought of myself, sexy was not the word I thought.Beautiful, maybe because even I had to admit that I had pretty facial features, but sexy wasn’t the word.

However, right then, in that ugly hospital gown with Mateo’s tongue exploring my mouth and Caden’s calloused hands trailing up my thighs as he trailed kisses and nips down my neck to my collarbone, I felt like the sexiest girl on earth.

I groaned when Caden pushed a finger inside me, making a strange move that had him pressing a thumb on my nub in a way that made me squirm.He started moving his fingers and rubbing that nub persistently, making me unable to stop moving my hips with his fingers’ movement.

After a few minutes, it felt like I was on fire.Every part of me burned, even my boobs, which Mateo had abandoned my lips for.“Okay, pause.Mateo, lock the door.We’re going to have sex.”

Mateo sat up, pulling me up such that I was in a seated position that somehow allowed Caden’s index and middle fingers to push deeper into my body.

Caden also sat up, but he had no intention of pulling his fingers out or giving me a break as he said, “We promised your parents we wouldn’t have sex with you in the hospital.”

“It’s not a big deal.After the deed, we can pretend it didn’t happen or beg for forgiveness because Daddy Reece’s nose can pick up the smell of smoke from the city beside Mac Tire City.”I urged, tempting them to sin with me.
