Page 23 of Accepted Bonds

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She removed her chin from my shoulder and looked at me, refusing to meet my gaze as she stared at my chin.“Is that okay?”

I squeezed her hand.“It’s okay.”

“Aurora, ask her to describe the person with the necklace again.”Daddy Keane said through the earpiece in my ear, startling me out of my dazed thoughts.

“Nyra, can you describe the woman your Alpha brought to see you more clearly?The one with the necklace?”I asked.

“Oh,” Nyra said, sitting up while pulling her head off my shoulder and resting it on the padded wall behind her.

“She had dark ebony skin that sort of glowed.She also wore a beaded headpiece, kind of like a headband made of colorful beads.Her eyes were gray, like the color of stormy clouds.The necklace ...I can’t remember what the necklace looks like.No matter how much I think about it, that part of my memory is just blurry.They removed the compulsion, but I still can’t remember the necklace.Is that an aftereffect of the compulsion?”

“Probably,” I said, grabbing her hand and squeezing it.

“Can you tell me about your other Alpha, the one before the greedy one?”I asked in a soft voice.

She didn’t look at me as she pulled her hands free of mine.“No.I’ve told you everything I can tell you.I’ll tell the rest to that blonde woman ...the psychiatrist.I wouldn’t have told you all these ...negative things if this wasn’t the only way I could force you to come see me.”

Hearing the shakiness in her voice, I rushed to reassure her, grabbing her hands.“It’s okay, that’s fine, too.I just wanted to know if you wanted to share with me, that’s all.”

Looking away from me, she sighed and asked, “Do you know how many years I’ll have to stay in prison now that I’ve confessed to killing someone?”

I grabbed her hand, squeezing it before telling her the truth.“I really don’t.Your sentence will depend on the jury and the judge who listens to your case, your psychiatrist, and your defense attorney.So you have to give your psychiatrist every information she asks for and cooperate with your attorney.”

She released a harsh breath as she asked, “Will you come see me?As a friend, you don’t have to come as my true mate or anything.I—”

“Absolutely ...I will come to see you regularly.After your trial, I’ll come to see you at least once a month.Don’t worry’re my best friend and I won’t let you go through all of this alone, I promise.You just need to focus on recovering ...cooperate with your attorney and your psychiatrist.”Those were the best words of advice I could give her because the evidence of her mental state as presented by her psychiatrist and attorney would determine how many years she would serve in prison.

“I know.”She said, placing her head on my shoulder again.

We were both silent, our hands intertwined as I rested my head on the padded wall I was leaning on.

“Promise you won’t try to kill yourself again?”While I wasn’t in love with her, I cared about her and I knew that if she could just pass through this hurdle, she could still make something of herself with her never-ending curiosity, her great writing skills, and her awesome sense of humor.

“I won’t.As long as you don’t abandon me, I won’t.Promise me you’ll let me know when it becomes tiring to visit your criminal best friend who also tried to kill you?”

“Nyra, it will never become tiring to see you and—”

“Just promise me.”She insisted.“You can send a letter or send a guard.Anything but silence.”

“Alright, I promise,” I said, looking down to stare at her face without moving my shoulders, which she was resting her head on.

“Good.Can we stay like this for a while?”

“Sure,” I said.

After a while, I asked, “Your hair is a little greasy.Do you want me to wash and brush it out for you?”

She lifted her head from my shoulder and stared into my eyes for a few moments.

I locked gazes with her, wondering what she was looking for in my gaze, but she broke our locked gazes before nodding, “Sure, I’d like that.”

“Okay, I’ll go get everything we need.I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

I stayed the entire afternoon and evening with Nyra, washing her hair, air drying it, and styling it as well.

Whatever distance had built between us since she found out I believed in pack observers and kidnapped me was eliminated by an afternoon of talking about unimportant things, gossiping, and washing her hair.

When I left, I could finally breathe a sigh of relief because I’d had a chance to have a head-to-head conversation with my best friend and we’d cleared up the misunderstandings between us.
