Page 25 of Accepted Bonds

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“So we’ve settled the Harrison pack.Who’s next on our list?”I asked, looking down at the clipboard containing the list of packs I had been assigned to welcome and settle into their accommodations at the Lannigan Hotel and Resorts, the hotel my father had chosen for hosting the Alphas Congress this year.

“Hey, isn’t that Aurora Byrne?I thought she worked for the Supernatural Council, what the hell is she doing with the representatives of the Woodburn Pack?”Harper’s words and the name that belonged to the girl I’d missed every single day in the past two weeks made me raise my head.

Unfortunately, what I saw wasn’t my mate waving at me cheerfully, it was my mate standing with some boy with blond hair and smiling as he whispered into her ear intimately.

At the sight of both of them, a snarl left my lips before I could control myself.My fists clenched as a fierce pang of jealousy surged through me like lightning in a raging storm.

“Hmph!Look at her, rubbing herself all over the future Beta of the Woodburn Pack.Maybe she’s trying to get close to the ruling members of that pack like she did with our ...”Before Olivia could finish her sentence in that annoying snarky voice of hers, I glared at her.

“Hey, the Woodburn Pack is not on our list of packs!”Leo yelled as I walked up to Aurora, her father, and the representatives of the Woodburn Pack.

While Aurora didn’t see me at first, her father and the Alpha of the Woodburn Pack, Reece Quinn, noticed me.And judging by the furrow that appeared on his brow, he wasn’t pleased to see me.

But that wasn’t a major concern now.I could worm my way into Alpha Reece’s good graces later, the same way I wormed my way into her mother and Aisling’s.

After giving Alpha Reece a respectful bow, I moved straight to Aurora and the future Beta of the Woodburn Pack and pushed myself between them, removing his arm from around her shoulder with some force.

“Aiden!”Aurora’s casual smile turned into a radiant smile as soon as she saw me.

At that moment, my chest tightened with a rush of overwhelming warmth as her eyes lit up at the sight of me.Her smile felt like the sun breaking through the clouds after a storm, and my heart responded with a fierce, protective surge of love for the beautiful, glowing woman before me.

I dropped a light kiss on her forehead and wrapped my hand around her waist as the future Beta of her pack frowned and asked, “Who the hell are you?”

I turned to face him with a smirk.“Aurora’s true mate.”

His frown deepened as he tried, but failed to prevent a scowl from covering his face.“Since when?”

Before I could give him a snarky reply, my dad and the Beta of our pack arrived.

“Alpha Reece, welcome to Mac Tire City.”My dad said, stretching out his hand for a handshake, which Alpha Reece eyed for a second before he shook it.

“Alpha Owen, always a pleasure.”Alpha Reece said politely.

However, judging by the way he shook my dad’s hand, he wasn’t feeling very pleased to be meeting him again.And that was probably because of everything that happened to Aurora in our pack.

After exchanging pleasantries, Alpha Reece turned to Aurora and, without a single word, she pulled away from me and placed her hand in his outstretched palms.“This is my Beta’s son, Julian.He came with me while his father stayed behind to watch over the pack.This is my daughter and the future Alpha of the Woodburn Pack, Aurora Byrne.And before you ask, she uses her mother’s surname for private reasons.”

The introduction seemed unnecessary because my father, his Beta, and I both knew Aurora’s background.However, when I heard Harper’s gasp of surprise, I realized that Alpha Reece had heard what my friends had said when he arrived with Aurora.

“Hello Aurora, how are you doing?Have you fully recovered now?”My dad greeted Aurora, the polite smile he used to deal with Aurora’s father morphing into a warm and gentle smile he’d never pointed my way.

But that was likely because Aurora was very much like the daughter he and my mother had envisioned having before she passed away.

“Great, thank you, Alpha Owen.I’ve fully recovered now.”Aurora said, looking up at my father with an adorable smile.

I wasn’t sure if it was because I hadn’t seen her for a while, but something about her was different today.She looked much cuter, sweeter, and adorable than usual in her summer dress as she stood beside Alpha Reece.

“Good.”My dad said with a smile.“Why don’t you let my Beta and Aiden take you to your accommodations?”

Beta Alex smiled as he passed me the clipboard containing the information about the accommodation arrangements for the Woodburn pack representatives and started leading Alpha Reece and their pack representatives to their accommodation.Within a few minutes of going through the information on the clipboard, I understood the arrangements and got to work managing the other Woodburn Pack representatives while leaving Aurora, her father, and the pack’s future Beta to Beta Alex to manage.

Caden, as the future Alpha of the hosting pack of the Alphas Congress, couldn’t change his room casually.But I and Mateo could change our rooms if we wanted, so I sent Aurora’s room number to Mateo in a text message so he could snatch up the rooms on both sides of her room and reassign our rooms to the future Alphas who were supposed to own those rooms.

It took an hour and forty-seven minutes to settle everyone down in their rooms.After I’d given each of them a Curio Bracelet to measure their magic use activities, I strode over to my baby girl’s room, unsurprised when she opened the door for me as soon as I knocked.

After closing the door behind us, I embraced her tightly, like I wanted to squeeze her smaller frame into my body.It’d only been two weeks since the last time we saw each other, but I felt so relieved and joyful in that hug like we hadn’t seen each other in years.

If I didn’t know how attached I was to Aurora, the period when she was gone was very enlightening.While she was gone, despite our many phone calls, it was like I’d lost the light by my side.My short temper had returned almost immediately.Thankfully, I had experience controlling it, so it hadn’t been a big issue.
