Page 28 of Accepted Bonds

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However, Alpha Reece ignored him as he turned to me.“Caden, take Aurora over there.I’ll send someone with water for her.”

“Yes sir.”I agreed, obeying him instantly and trying to use this incident to enter his good graces.

As I walked away, I heard Alpha Reece respond to the pretentious future Alpha.“Future Alpha Wyatt, how may I help you?”

If ignoring him earlier wasn’t enough of a blow, his response that started with Wyatt’s title killed whatever impression Wyatt was trying to give everyone who was taking part in the Alphas Congress’s Opening Reception as it revealed Alpha Reece’s unfamiliarity and lack of interest in associating with Wyatt and his pack.

My attention returned to my mate when her hand gripped my arm as she came back to herself from whatever she had seen from Wyatt’s touch.

“You okay?”I asked.

She nodded and forced a smile with a faint thanks to me.I squeezed her hands gently in response.

We were quiet as we settled into the side chairs at the edge of the hall and I didn’t ask her what she’d seen when Wyatt touched her.The first reason was that we were in a public place with many spying ears, and Aurora’s instinctual magic was not public knowledge.The most important reason, however, was that I didn’t want whatever she had seen to make me mad enough to hunt Wyatt down after the reception party.I was still extremely irritated by the fact that he’d even touched her and I’d barely restrained the urge to punch him in the face.

After she’d gotten some water, I was determined not to let Aurora wallow in the somber mood she had descended into since glimpsing whatever troubled her in Wyatt’s memories or thoughts.So I stood up and held my palm out in front of her, waiting until she pressed her palm onto mine before I gripped her smaller hand in mine and pulled her to her feet.“Come on, let’s dance.”

Then I led her to the small side hall my dad had reserved for dancing.

After our dance, Aurora seemed to have gotten over whatever she had seen in the memories of the pretentious future Alpha called Wyatt so I took her around introducing her to the people I knew until her father took her away to introduce her to the people he knew.



When I woke up the next morning after the meet-and-greet reception party, my room was a mess and my bed looked like someone had gone to war on it.This was to be expected because the four of us had settled into my bed for the night and while we didn’t have sex, there had been a lot of kissing, petting, and touching.

Mateo’s head was buried in the crook of my neck, and his hand was wrapped around my waist.Aiden’s hand was resting over my abdomen while one of his long legs was raised in between mine.They were both sound asleep, which was just right.I was the weird one for being awake at this time after such an exhausting evening yesterday.

I groaned when I glanced at the clock because it was 5:02am.Although I had woken up a little late, my biological clock had still tried to arouse me from sleep in time for training.However, I had no training today and the first Alphas Congress meeting didn’t start until 9:00am, so I was awake way too early.

Of course, I wasn’t the only one who had woken up way too early because Caden was awake and dressed up, seated on the right corner of my bed, tying his shoelaces.

“Where are you going?”I tried to ask in a whisper, but what came out was a croak.

Thankfully, Caden heard my question.“I’m going to check on security and some other things before everyone wakes up.”

He stood up and stood over me.He would have looked menacing in the dark room if he didn’t have that light smile on his face and his coffee-brown eyes weren’t so warm.

“Need any help?”I asked, clearing my throat so my voice sounded like that of a human’s.

“No, go back to sleep.You’re still tired.I’ll see you at the Alphas Forum.”He said, leaning over me to kiss me on the forehead.

“Okay.Be careful.”I said as I watched him walk out of my room and shut the door behind him.

I sighed, thinking that I wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep, but then Mateo nuzzled deeper into my neck and placed a kiss there.

“Sleep.”He ordered in a hoarse voice.

I turned my face toward the right, where his head was pressed to the side of my neck.

I wanted to ask if he was awake, but he hushed me by placing his fingers on my lips and giving them two soft taps.

Then his hand slid down my neck and he started massaging my nape until I fell asleep.

* * *

By the time I woke up again, it was 6:28 am, Aiden was gone and Mateo woke me up to get ready for breakfast.Then he left to inspect the hall that was going to be used for the evening’s after-party which wasn’t as important as yesterday’s opening reception party but was still a great way for Alphas and pack representatives at the Congress to intermingle and take a breather from the numerous Congress activities.
