Page 29 of Accepted Bonds

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I sat on my bed and stared groggily for a minute before going to take a shower.Once I was done with my shower, I called Levi and we spoke about the events of the previous evening and things I’d noticed while observing certain Alphas at the opening reception.After getting dressed and putting on makeup that made me look older and more dignified, I went to Daddy Reece’s room.

With a knock, I was admitted into his room and given a marked brochure.On the brochure, my dad had marked all the seminars and lectures I had to attend at the Congress, many of which were to be attended by future Alphas and new Alphas.

The seminars looked interesting enough, so I was looking forward to them as my dad and I went for breakfast with all the representatives from our pack, including our future Beta, Julian, whom Aiden had sworn was romantically interested in me.

I thought Aiden was being too sensitive, though.Julian and I had grown up together like brother and sister.After carefully assessing him, I couldn’t see any sign that he was romantically interested in me.

Despite that, I still tried to be more careful to put appropriate distance between us.After all, I was now a woman with four future mates.We hadn’t extensively discussed official mating, but we were already exploring getting along together.There was no doubt that the four of us were now committed to making our relationship work.

After breakfast, Daddy Reece and I went straight to the first Alphas Forum.The Alphas Congress was an organization to which all Alphas from different werewolf packs worldwide were members.The main purpose of the annual Congress was for important members of every pack, including Alphas, Betas, and pack council members, to meet and learn from experienced werewolves who hold or have held corresponding positions.

Other than the various seminars and lectures taught by experienced Alphas, Betas, and pack council members, there was a daily Alphas Forum in the morning that only Alphas and future Alphas could attend.I’d attended a few Alphas Forum meetings when I was younger as the future Alpha of my pack and the purpose of the Alphas Forum was for Alphas to meet to discuss issues, problems, and observations from happenings in their packs, neighboring packs, and events around the world that could affect their packs and their roles as Alphas.

The hall used for the Forum was expansive, boasting what appeared to be a hundred thousand seats, which was more than enough sitting space to accommodate the numerous Alphas from packs worldwide, alongside their future Alphas.The cream-colored seats in the hall formed a letter C around the singular podium at the center, which was where Alphas who had written their names and the issues they wanted to discuss beforehand would be called out to share their opinions.

As usual, I sat beside Daddy Reece, my Alpha, at the Congress.However, surprisingly, we were seated close to the center of the hall.We were so close to the center that we were seated several seats behind Alpha Owen and Caden.This was unusual because while my father’s pack was somewhat influential in Ni Daonni City, we couldn’t stand shoulder-to-shoulder with legacy packs.The main reason our small pack was so influential was because of the way we cultivated and encouraged talents, including paying for further studies for various pack members so that they could use their expertise to contribute to the growth of the pack in the future.

This, and my father’s family’s excellent business acumen and investments, was what had led our relatively small pack, with less than a thousand pack members, to become one of the richest packs in the world.Our pack members were highly educated.And because our pack had contributed to their growth, they reciprocated generously to the pack in kin and kind with their support and resources.

Despite our wealth, numerous legacy packs—having existed for centuries with thousands of members—viewed our rapidly expanding pack as one of several upstarts.Other packs also didn’t like to associate with the Woodburn Pack because of our pack’s affiliation with the Supernatural Council.After all, many of our enforcers were trained in the Supernatural Council and many of our pack members were members of the Supernatural Council.So while we weren’t openly excluded or talked down to, they usually pushed us to the side at meetings like this, which were mostly dominated by legacy packs like the Crawford Pack.

The Alpha of the Harrison pack was the third Alpha to stand on the podium.The Harrison pack was a legacy pack that had existed for over four centuries.Before the Pack Observer Law was implemented, the pack seemed to have been falling apart, with several pack members either going rogue or jumping onto other packs.It was only after the pack got several pack observers that the trend of pack members exiting the pack en masse began to die down.

The Harrison pack was a breeding ground for Alpha and pack council corruption.Hence, they were among the southern packs we suspected of coercing their pack observer, even though their pack observer appeared to be functioning normally.

When Alpha Dean of the Harrison pack went onto the podium, I sat up straight so I could listen to what he had to say.However, just as he lowered his head to look at his notes, a man teleported into the hall right behind him and stabbed him in the back.

The murderer was shivering and bleeding from his eyes, ears, nose, and mouth as he leaned over the fallen Alpha Dean and stabbed him in the chest repeatedly with a silver dagger.



We were all frozen in shock at first, but after the first stab, we recovered just in time to watch the shivering murderer push Alpha Dean onto the floor on his back before stabbing him in the chest repeatedly.

I wanted to run up to the podium to help Alpha Dean, but my father gripped my arm to prevent me from moving as the security personnel sprang into action, running toward the podium as fast as they could.

The way the murderer kept stabbing Alpha Dean to make sure he would die was proof of his lack of experience in killing people.However, several stabs of his silver dagger dug into Alpha Dean’s heart.By the time the security operatives sprung into action, we could all hear Alpha Dean’s wheezing, slowing breaths as the murderer laughed a broken, bloody laugh and stood over Alpha Dean’s body.He glanced at all of us standing in the audience and then stabbed himself in the heart with the same silver dagger he’d used to attack and kill Alpha Dean.

It was a direct stab into his heart and the man instantly fell into the arms of one of the security guards who had just arrived at the podium.It took a few minutes for the medical team to arrive, but by the time they arrived, Alpha Dean and the murderer had passed away.

The sound of murmuring from the thousands of Alphas and future Alphas present filled the large hall.All future seminars for the day were canceled as pandemonium ensued.Several Alphas and their future Alphas left the hall to huddle with their pack representatives and pack enforcers in their rooms while most Alphas who were combat-trained stayed behind with the Crawford Pack, Mac Tire City Council’s security team, and members of the Harrison pack to oversee the resolution of the murder we’d all witnessed.

Caden grabbed my hand as various Alphas who were members of the Mac Tire City Council started making suggestions on how to resolve the attack.I pulled my hand out of his grip gently, ignoring his questioning gaze as I wrapped my hand around his bigger hand and squeezed it reassuringly.Even though he wasn’t saying anything and his father was just standing there listening to those Alphas with an expressionless face, I knew they weren’t happy about what had happened.

This incident of a murdered Alpha at an Alphas Congress would definitely be recorded in the annals of the Alphas Congress history.The Crawford Pack wouldn’t be able to avoid being mentioned as the hosting pack of such an Alphas Congress.Worse yet, some Alphas would take this incident as an opportunity to discredit the Crawford Pack.

I glanced at Alpha Owen, wondering how he would choose to settle this matter.If I were him, the path I would choose to solve this situation in which a pack observer that belonged to the Pack Observer Department of the Supernatural Council had teleported into the Alphas Congress and killed an Alpha was to hold the Supernatural Council responsible.

Thankfully, Alpha Owen did not accept the suggestions of the Alphas present and instead made a quick and rightful decision to involve the Supernatural Council in the investigation of this murder, especially after it was discovered that the attacker was a pack observer.

Within five hours, the Supernatural Council had sent people over, including Levi, Rebecca, and Victoria.After all, there was no doubt that this case was related to the pack observer case the Intelligence Department had been trying to solve for months.

By the time they arrived, the Harrison pack had taken away their Alpha’s body, reluctantly leaving behind the pack observer’s body.We couldn’t stop them from taking their Alpha’s body, but we prevented them from taking the pack observer’s.

The arrival of the Supernatural Council, an organization that the Alphas Congress had all but delegated a secret enemy status to because of the introduction of the Pack Observer Law, made the tense atmosphere worse.

The Alphas, future Alphas, pack representatives, and officials who were present got much more agitated, their faces displaying a mix of grief, anger, and confusion.To ease the atmosphere, Alpha Owen persuaded the Alphas remaining in the hall to go back to their rooms to rest, promising to relay to them whatever conclusion the Supernatural Council made about this incident.
