Page 30 of Accepted Bonds

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It took a lot of effort to persuade all the Alphas to leave the hall as the members of the Supernatural Council’s forensic team tried their best to collect as much evidence as possible from the body and the scene as they could without their hefty equipment while Rebecca negotiated with Alpha Owen in low tones.When the forensic team was done, we moved the pack observer’s body to a room in the basement of the Lannigan Hotel.Then Mateo brought some candles and sage, which Levi and I were going to use to summon the dead.

In less than an hour, everything was set up for Levi and me to call out the spirit of the dead pack observer.

We started the summoning immediately.Levi anchored himself to the dead pack observer, who was called Daichi Tanaka, by pressing his hand to his forehead, while I anchored myself to Levi by holding his hand.

Levi woke the dead pack observer up with his instinctual magic and all I had to do was to hold on to him with the other half of my instinctual magic that made people tell the truth whether they liked it or not.My instinctual magic would then bleed into his connection with the dead, making sure that the summoned spirit or ghost had no other choice but to tell us the truth.

When Daichi woke up, he was in a panic.He obviously thought someone had somehow rescued him and wanted to run, so I had to hold him down as Levi tried to calm him down.

“Don’t move ...You can’t go farther than a few steps even if you want to because you’re already dead.”Levi persuaded.

Daichi was one of the rare cases that opposed the rule of ‘never reminding the dead that they were dead’.He killed himself intentionally, and the one thing that could cause him distress was finding out that he had somehow escaped death, which would mean that he had to face the consequences of killing Alpha Dean.So he immediately relaxed when Levi informed him that he was truly dead.

While everyone else in the room, Alpha Owen, Daddy Reece, Caden, Mateo, and Victoria stood on the periphery, Rebecca, the highest-ranking Supernatural Council officer in the room, moved closer to us and started interrogating the dead.

“What’s your name, pack observer?”She started with a simple question to gauge his level of cooperation.

“Daichi Tanaka, ranked first during the pack observer recruitment of my year.”Even though Daichi’s facial muscles couldn’t form a smile anymore, we could all hear the pride in his voice.

“Achievements?”Rebecca could also hear that pride and she used it to her advantage, asking about Daichi’s achievements to loosen him up.

“I have brought five Alphas to justice and helped with the disintegration of three corrupt packs.”

From his tone, I could tell how dedicated Daichi was to his job as a pack observer.He was probably one of the pack observers who started out his life in a corrupt pack system and had chosen to try to make a difference by becoming a pack observer.

“Hello Daichi, I’m Rebecca Honnoff, the deputy head of the Supernatural Council’s Intelligence Department,” Rebecca began.“I need to ask you some questions about your latest pack that may be helpful to our current case in the Intelligence Department.Can you tell us about your last Alpha?”

As an expert interrogator, Rebecca avoided asking Daichi direct questions about why he’d chosen to kill Alpha Dean and himself at the beginning of the interrogation because that was his pain point and thus, the fastest way to degrade his reasoning.

“He seemed nice at first, but he’s a snake.He invited me to his office, where a woman did something to me.She was dark-skinned with eerie light gray eyes.She didn’t want to, but he had something over her.I can’t remember what she did to me, but I became compromised.I could no longer report my findings about the Harrison pack, no matter how hard I tried.My reasoning started to degrade.I ...I felt like I was losing my mind.I became a puppet in the pack.The boy whose trust I’d just won, he disappeared and I couldn’t even report it.I became ...useless.”

At his pause, Rebecca urged him to continue speaking because we were running out of time.“So—”

“So I decided to kill him.You have to understand ...I tried my best to alert the Supernatural Council, but I couldn’t.And everything got worse.I started getting terrible migraines.I went for a checkup at the Supernatural Council, but the doctors couldn’t find anything wrong with me.When I started bleeding from my eyes, nose, and ears, I knew I was dying.I tried to kill him in the pack, but for whatever reason, the compulsion was stronger in the Harrison pack and the Supernatural Council, so I needed to pick somewhere else.And I needed it to be an open space where I could alert the Supernatural Council and prevent the Harrison pack’s ruling members from hiding what happened by pretending that I’d gone missing, so I chose the Alphas Congress for my attack.”

A shiver rocked his body.It was a reflexive reaction because he couldn’t control his body in his current state.His soul was the only part of him that Levi could access, and his soul could only serve as an engine for his brain and mouth to share information with us for a few minutes.

“We don’t have much time left,” Levi announced.

“Daichi, did you keep any records of what was happening in the Harrison pack and what they did to you?”Rebecca asked hurriedly.

“I tried, but it didn’t work.I couldn’t take any incriminating evidence outside the Harrison pack.”Daichi’s voice gradually became fainter.

Before Rebecca could ask any more questions, Daichi gave us his last wishes.“My positive points, I want to use them for my brother.I want my brother to study to become a warrior at Camdine Academy.He can do anything other than study to be a pack observer.Tell him live for himself ...”

His voice had almost faded to nothing by the time he finished sharing his wishes.

As soon as we lost the connection with Daichi, I rushed around the table Daichi’s body was laid on to help Levi up.Caden moved faster than me, supporting Levi, who was hunched over the table, breathing hard and barely holding himself up when I reached him.

While Rebecca said the necessary spell to eliminate any unclosed doors from the summoning, I grabbed Levi’s hand and helped Caden move him to the seat we’d set aside for him to use after the summoning session.



As Aurora, Mateo, and I moved Levi to her room, he started shivering, which made Aurora panic.

“Not good.He’s cold.He stayed connected way too long.I have to give him warmth.”Aurora said before glancing at the Curio Bracelet on her wrist, which was supposed to monitor the magic used by everyone wearing it.
