Page 35 of Accepted Bonds

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I stared at him for a second before grabbing his hand and shaking it.“Truce.”



By the time we gathered outside Aurora’s room so we could go eat breakfast together, it was already 8am.Thankfully, Aurora wasn’t one of those girls who wasted other people’s time by getting ready at a snail’s pace, so we didn’t have to wait more than a few minutes for her to meet us at the door.

The unfortunate thing was that we had to sit with Caden and Aiden’s ‘friends’ from the Crawford Pack because Aurora’s father had chosen to have breakfast in his room as he finished some ‘paperwork’, or more likely, teleported away from Mac Tire City to see Amelia, Aurora’s mother.

Caden, Aiden, and Mateo’s ‘friends’ were the same group of people who had ostracized Aurora at Crawford University and helped Mateo come up with his stupid foul plan for Caden and Aiden’s birthday party.

While I might have partially forgiven Caden and Mateo, I hadn’t forgiven their friends at all and I didn’t want to speak to them, so the conversation at our breakfast table was stilted for the first few minutes.

Because I was a half-vampire, I could eat human food even though it wasn’t as sustaining as blood.After understanding where our table was, I followed Aurora and Aiden as they went around the food buffet and picked a few easy-to-digest meals here and there since I was one of those half-vampires who was susceptible to digestion issues because my body preferred blood to human meals.

As soon as Aurora saw a pot of Chinese rice porridge, she poured some into a bowl and placed it on my tray.After all, we were both aware of my digestion issues and while it was true that I took care of Aurora when she was younger, she’d also taken care of me, too.

I didn’t even frown when she pulled off the pancake on my plate, glared at me, and placed it on hers.I smiled sheepishly, resisting the urge to tell her that I had picked the pancakes for her, even though I’d picked them up because the sight of them filled me with a nostalgic craving.

Soon we returned to our breakfast table, which many of the Crawford Pack members had returned to after picking their favorite breakfast options from the never-ending buffet choices provided by the hotel’s restaurant.

As if she’d somehow noticed that I was craving pancakes, the first thing Aurora did was to cut out half a pancake from her stack and place it on my plate with some butter.I looked down at the half pancake with butter melting over it for a few seconds.

“You don’t want it?I’ll eat it for you then.”The nosy Aiden leaned forward to place his fork over my pancake, but I interrupted its unruly journey with my fork.

“Don’t be nosy.Aurora gave me that.”I said, glaring at him until he took his fork away.

Then, I smiled at Aurora, trying to convey how happy I was that she’d still noticed the little things like my unhealthy cravings, even though Aiden had been talking nonstop to her throughout the time we were picking our breakfasts.

In return, she gave me a cheerful smile and blew me a kiss.At the same time, Aiden took the other half of the pancake she’d cut into two for me onto his plate, which already had a stack of the same pancakes, like the childish fool he was.

When Aurora glanced at him, he gave her a lopsided grin.And to my annoyance, a grin covered her face a few seconds later as she shook her head and started eating.

Unlike other tables, our table was awkwardly silent after that little conversation.

After I’d eaten Aurora’s pancake, I began savoring small spoonfuls of my Chinese rice porridge.

Suddenly, the emo girl with the dark lipstick and three earrings on both ears apologized.“I’m sorry.”

“Huh?”Caden, who had been looking down at his phone and reading something on it, was the first to respond as he pulled out the wireless earpiece in his right ear.

“I’m sorry.I want to apologize to Aurora ...for judging her and ...and being rude to her.I’m also sorry for telling everyone at school that you killed Angelique and for not correcting people, even after I found out that it was that psychopath Nyra that killed her.I—”

“Don’t insult Nyra.”Aurora interrupted the emo girl.

“I’m sorry to say this, but Angelique’s death was a consequence of her own actions.She and that guy—” Aurora’s words shocked everyone at the table, even garnering a glare from a few people.

“Nobody deserves to be murdered just because they tried to help their friend, okay?”The other girl seated at our table called Olivia retorted.

“Do you know why Nyra killed Angelique?”

Aurora was asking a rhetorical question, but before she could continue, Olivia interrupted her, “Because Angelique stained her dress and took her away so Mateo could make that video of you.”

If Aurora had just been irritated before, she was angry now.“No, she killed her because she lost control after Angelique took her into that room, not to change her clothes but to punish her for being my friend by instructing Hank to force himself on her.”

Everyone at our table stiffened for a few seconds.They had probably never expected such a truth.

Mateo went as still as a statue before sitting up, his half-eaten toast abandoned.“I’m sorry.”
