Page 36 of Accepted Bonds

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Before Aurora could say anything, Mateo continued speaking, “I know you want to say that I’m not to blame.But I am to blame.I was the one who told Angelique to distract Nyra.I didn’t tell her how she was to distract her, but I gave her permission to distract her anyhow she wanted.So I’m responsible for Angelique’s death and Nyra ...”

“Shut up.You’re not responsible for anything.I’ve met several girls like Angelique who think they can do anything because their parents are pack council members.Angelique was the one who tried to hurt Nyra.Unfortunately, Nyra couldn’t control her response.”Aurora’s voice trembled when she spoke about Nyra and I knew she was imagining what would have happened if Angelique’s plan against Nyra had been successful while feeling ashamed for the relief she felt at how things had gone.

Before I could say anything, Caden asked, “How is the Supernatural Council going to deal with Nyra’s matter?”

I answered for Aurora because I had every intention of changing the subject.“She’s going to go before a Supernatural Council court with a judge and jury.The judge has 50 percent veto power and the jury of about 200 people has 50 percent veto power.Together, they’ll decide her fate.Let’s—”

Before I could change the subject, Aurora’s phone rang.It was a familiar tune that Aurora had set for only two people: Nina and her mother, Amelia.

Since Aurora didn’t like putting her phone in her pockets, I couldn’t help smiling as she fumbled to get it out of the waist purse it was in today.

There was something about her urgent movement that made everyone realize that Aurora had been waiting for the call that was coming in.This was confirmed when she picked up the call, lifted the phone to her ear, and her lips curved into a soft smile.In the depths of her eyes, a glint of joy also sparkled, revealing her unwavering dependence on the caller.

Aiden stared at me with a questioning look as if to ask who was on the phone, but I didn’t need to say anything because Aurora’s tone as she answered the call made everything clear.

“Nina!”Aurora’s voice was breathless with anticipation and unconcealed joy.

“My baby!”We could all hear the female voice on the other end with our supernatural hearing.

If this was an anime, there would be question marks on the heads of everyone at our table other than me, Aiden, and Aurora.

I couldn’t help smirking when Caden dropped the phone he’d been so focused on and Mateo sat up, crossing his arms over his chest as Aurora stood up quickly, ignoring how the screeching sound of her chair scraping the floor drew several glances our way.

“Give me a minute,” Aurora said to Nina, before saying to us.“I’m going back to my room.You guys can come over when you’re done with your breakfasts.”

“What about your breakfast?”Caden asked.

Aurora stared at her food, but before she could get into a food vs.Nina battle in her head, I picked up her tray of food and placed it in her free hand.“Don’t skip breakfast.Eat in your room.”

She smiled and walked away, already falling into a conversation with Nina about how the hotel we were staying in looked.

There was a smile on my face when I removed my gaze from her departing back and found everyone staring at me with various inscrutable looks.Aiden was chewing on a strip of bacon, Mateo looked constipated, Caden looked like he had encountered a complicated subject and the rest just looked like they’d seen something unbelievable.

“That’s Nina, right?”Aiden asked, and I nodded.

“Aurora has a female mate?”Ryan, the optimistic guy with blue eyes who had tried and failed to make conversation at the start of breakfast, asked.

Before I could tell him that Nina wasn’t Aurora’s mate, though, he went off on a tangent by himself.“That’s so cool.Does that mean that you guys also get to share that mate?”

“Hell no!”Aiden looked like he’d been forced to swallow a bug while Mateo and Caden exchanged a displeased glance.

“That’s not one of Aurora’s mates.It’s her aunt.”

Mateo’s sigh of relief was audible, but Caden’s was much more subtle.

“You guys don’t have to worry so much.Based on all the Fae Omegas I’ve seen, Fae Omegas rarely have more than 4-5 mates.Of course, there could still be an anomaly later in the future, but based on what has happened historically, Aurora has found all her true mates.”I explained.

“But why do Fae Omegas have several true mates and we only have one, yet we still haven’t met ours but she met all of her mates?”The emo girl, Harper, sounded very jealous.

“Why are you asking us?You should be asking the Moon Goddess that.”Aiden rebutted in a rude tone full of dislike, which garnered Harper’s glare.

“You keep forgetting that if Aurora hadn’t come to Crawford Pack, a pack thousands of miles away from Ni Daonni City, she wouldn’t have met Caden, Aiden, and Mateo,” I explained.

“No.We already met in Ni Daonni City and no matter what, I would have gone back to look for her.”Caden said in a confident tone.

“If I hadn’t been stupid, she would have never met you and now we’d probably be contemplating getting officially mated.”My discontent surged involuntarily whenever I thought about this topic.

“But she would have still been unhappy.You may not understand how lonely and depressed she gets when she’s alone, but I do.”Aiden said.
