Page 42 of Accepted Bonds

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Wow.If it weren’t because clapping would be the wrong response at this moment, I would have applauded Alpha Timothy for his skill of twisting lies to look like the truth.

I looked toward Rebecca, who was staring at the sound waves on the computer with furrowed brows.

“Despite how it may seem, Alpha Timothy is one of the few grounded Alphas in Mac Tire City.While his father was Alpha, he’d made a mess of the position for personal gain and then bowed out of the Alpha position as soon as the Pack Observer Law was enacted.Alpha Timothy had to clean up after his father under the unfriendly eyes of several pack observers over the years.Word must have spread, which is why the current Branson pack observer seems to be on a witch hunt of sorts, accusing Alpha Timothy of anything and everything.If Alpha Timothy was not as crafty as he is, his pack would have disintegrated a long time ago.”When I heard Caden’s voice, I looked back to find him leaning on the wall beside his bookshelf.

“Are you asking us to trust him despite listening to him mix lies with the truth effortlessly?”Rebecca asked.

“Yes,” Caden replied.

Rebecca smiled.“Don’t worry.Before we decided to work with him, we investigated him.”

Caden nodded and then we turned back to focus on Alpha Timothy’s discussion with the Martinez pack Alpha.

“Why do you keep talking in circles?Just give me a yes or no answer.”Alpha Juan’s statement made me hold my breath as I wondered how Alpha Timothy would dispel his suspicion.

“Don’t be ridiculous.That would mean I trust you and I don’t.Who knows if you’re recording my words right now?”Alpha Timothy responded in a lazy tone.

His response seemed to be enough for Alpha Juan as Alpha Juan started talking about the things we truly wanted to know.“Fine.I can refer you to a witch who could help you subdue your pack observer.When she’s done with him, your pack observer won’t be able to speak against you or your decisions to the Supernatural Council.You could also command him to do anything you want.You will also be able to regain full control of your pack again.”

“What’s the catch?”Alpha Timothy asked in an indifferent tone.

I’d thought that Alpha Juan would talk about the effect of the compulsion on the compelled, but his next words were shameless.“You’ll have to pay the witch for her services.When I put you in contact, they will give you their price.You also have to give me something in exchange for referring you, right?How about 3 percent of your pack’s profits?”

My jaw dropped as Alpha Timothy’s almost inaudible snort came in through my headset.

When he started speaking again a few seconds later, his voice was cold and unhappy.“I’m afraid that won’t work for me or my pack.I’ll just find another solution instead.”

There was silence in the room for a second before Alpha Juan, whose voice sounded farther away, said, “Sit.We’re still negotiating.How about 1 percent?”

“I’m afraid you don’t understand.I can’t give you a percentage of my pack’s profit.However, I can give you funds from my own pocket.How about I give you a hundred thousand dollars?”

“200 or no deal.”Alpha Juan insisted.

“150?”Alpha Timothy kept negotiating.

“I won’t take less than two hundred thousand dollars, Timothy.I paid more than that to the Alpha who referred me.”

“Fine.Do I pay before or after you introduce me?”Alpha Timothy asked.

“Half before the introduction.The remaining half after your pack observer has been dealt with.”Alpha Juan said.

“Fine.When can we get this done with?”Alpha Timothy asked.

“Are you willing to wait until after the Alphas Congress is done?”Alpha Juan replied with a question.

“Hell, no.I want this over and done with before then.I want to return to my pack with all of this stupid pack observer matter under control.”

Alpha Juan was silent for a few seconds before agreeing, “Alright, I’ll expedite your meeting with them.”

“Good.It’s always a pleasure doing business with you, Alpha Juan.”Alpha Timothy said in a pleased tone.

I could hear the irritation in Alpha Juan’s voice as he responded, “Don’t remind me.The last time we worked together.You cheated me so bad.”

“I did not.”Alpha Timothy disagreed.

“I should have known better than to be careless when dealing with a werewolf holding a Bachelor’s in Finance and a Master’s in Political Science.”

“Oh, come on.It wasn’t that bad,” Alpha Timothy insisted.
