Page 43 of Accepted Bonds

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“It wasn’t that bad?You made a 30 percent profit, and I made a 10 percent profit.In what way wasn’t that bad?”Alpha Juan complained.

As usual, Alpha Timothy tamped down his irritation with his next words.“Don’t be silly.If I hadn’t invited you to take part, you wouldn’t have earned anything, anyway.”

“Fine, you’re right.”Alpha Juan agreed in a disgruntled tone.

“Well, I’ve gotta go.I’ll see you later?”

“Later.I’ll send the details of the meeting to you,” Alpha Juan said.

I pulled off the headphones I had been using to listen to the conversation and rubbed my hands together as Caden, who’d moved to stand behind me, gently massaged the area behind my ears.

With the way things were going now, everything would probably be resolved within the next few days, and then I could spend more time with my mates.



We waited an entire day before Alpha Timothy sent a message onto the server to inform us that he’d received the means of transportation to his meeting with the witch.

We had expected that he would receive an address and send it onto the server, so getting such a message was confusing until Caden and I returned to his study to join everyone on the private video call we were using to communicate to avoid blowing Alpha Timothy’s cover.The call was held on a software that was built on the Supernatural Council’s private servers to prevent a leak from happening.

Caden and I were the only ones in his study as Rebecca and Victoria were taking the call from the noise-insulated hotel suite that they’d secured as our base of operations at the Lannigan Hotel and Resorts.

“They gave me a teleportation orb,” Alpha Timothy shared as soon as we started the call.

“They have a Fae working with them!This is such a weird coalition: Witches, Fae, and Werewolves.”Victoria sounded exasperated and I knew why.

Witches and, in fact, supernaturals other than the Fae, couldn’t make teleportation orbs.The existence of a teleportation orb meant that the witches were also working with a Fae or several Fae partners and that meant that things were much bigger than we’d thought.

“Are you guys going to come get the orb and look over it?Although it seems like Alpha Juan and I are on good terms, I’ve cheated that guy too many times to believe that he’d trust me so easily.This ...all of this ...could just be a trap.”Alpha Timothy drawled.

“That’s the problem, though.Depending on how the teleportation orb was designed, if we touch it, we could end up alerting the Fae who made it.”I said.

I wasn’t a full-blood Fae, but I had an uncle who was and I’d had several opportunities to watch Uncle Doyle create teleportation orbs and to receive a few lessons from him on them.Teleportation orbs were built with certain gifted Fae’s magic and thus, they could leave little spells on their orbs that would feed them information on individuals who used or tampered with their orbs.

“Aurora is right.We can’t tamper with the orb if we don’t want to blow your cover,” Rebecca explained.

“But what if that insidious Juan just wanted to teleport me to the middle of nowhere so he could ambush and kill me secretly?Although he’s not a very smart guy, he’s still skilled at concealing his bad deeds, and you guys would never be able to find my body.”Alpha Timothy said.

“Don’t you think that’s a bit too melodramatic?”Alpha Owen, who had been silent since the beginning of the call, mumbled.

“Is it?It’s not like it’s never happened before.”

Alpha Timothy was right.There had been a high-profile werewolf Alpha murder case a few years ago where an Alpha that had gone missing had been found by natives on an island.After careful investigation, the murderer had been an Alpha allied to his pack who’d invited him out for a meeting secretly.

“If we just need to figure out what he’s thinking, how about we get a mind reader to decipher what he plans to do?”Victoria suggested.

“Keane is the only mind reader we can trust on this case and he’s not even in the Supernatural Council.This is urgent.Aurora, can you help with your instinctual magic?”Rebecca asked.

“He would need to be thinking about that subject for me to see it,” I replied.

“What if Alpha Timothy is speaking to him about it at that moment?”Victoria suggested.

“No, that’s too obvious and suspicious.If I bring up the topic in a public place, he would know that something was off.”Alpha Timothy rejected.

“How about Alpha Timothy just walking by right in front of Alpha Juan when Aurora touches him?”Caden suggested.

“That’s a good idea,” I said, pausing to think about it.“It could work, I guess.”
