Page 54 of Accepted Bonds

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As soon as we successfully subdued the attackers, I called Aurora’s mother and Keane with shaking hands.I wanted to narrate as articulately as I could everything that had happened, but the only thing I could do was tell them that their daughter, whom they’d left in my care, had gotten shot by a laser rifle.

I was much calmer after they informed me that they were on their way.Even though there were medics in the hotel, I couldn’t trust them and I knew they couldn’t heal Aurora’s injury.

Aurora had never had a fatal injury like this before.The last time I’d seen her this pained was not even when she was rescued from Nyra because her mother had already healed her before I saw her.It was the time when she was bedridden with the Black Seal Virus, lost in nightmares that made her groan and mutter incoherent words repeatedly.Back then, her mother’s healing magic could only prevent her from going over the edge into the open embrace of death as the Supernatural Council worked hard to find the cure to the virus that had already killed thousands of supernaturals.

After telling Mateo to prevent anyone from messing with Aurora’s injury as her parents were coming over to help, I called Victoria, who was also in the hotel, to come monitor the two abductors who had surrendered.

While I stayed by the abductors to prevent anyone from messing with them, I kept clenching and unclenching my fists as I struggled to keep my eyes fixed on the backs of the leader of the two attackers that we’d gotten to surrender.

Although I seemed to have my gaze fixed on the attackers, my mind was fixed on Aurora, who had fallen unconscious and was being examined by two medics under Caden, Mateo, and Aiden’s close supervision.

I was swallowing to wet my dry throat when Victoria and Rebecca arrived at the restaurant.I handed over the two captured criminals to them and rushed to stay by Aurora’s side, only to find that the medics were trying to get her to drink something from a vial.

“What the hell are you doing?!”I unsheathed the claws on my right hand, which I’d spent years growing out, and pressed the claws on my index finger close to the artery on the medic’s neck.

“Stop!They’re just giving her painkillers.”Aiden said, stepping forward to touch my arm.

“But what if that’s not painkillers but poison?”I insisted, still staring at the liquid on Aurora’s lips.

“It is.We know these medics, they’re Crawford Pack members.They wouldn’t dare to harm Aurora.”Caden said.

Hearing this made me feel better, but I was in such an unsettled state that I couldn’t help threatening them even though I knew they couldn’t hurt their future Alpha’s mate if they didn’t want to put themselves and their family members in danger.“Just give her the painkillers.Nothing else, got it?”

The medic with his Adam’s apple close to my lengthened claws swallowed nervously before moving his head up and down in a tiny movement to avoid nicking his neck with my sharp claws.

I removed my claws from his neck but didn’t sheath them as Mateo explained what was going on to me.“They can’t heal her, so they did some first aid and opted to give her painkillers to help ease the pain when I told them a healer was coming over.What about the healer?Can Aurora’s mom come?”

“They’re on their way,” I said, staring at Aurora’s waist, which had been wrapped with some sterile gauze and bandages, and her legs which were elevated on a pillow on Aiden’s thighs.

Just after the medics had fed Aurora painkillers, Amelia, Keane, Reece, Aisling, Doyle, and Nina stepped into the hall.I released a heartfelt sigh of relief at the sight of them.

Amelia also came with two of her assistants, and once they’d made us step aside, they carefully placed Aurora on a stretcher.Aisling and Reece stood on both ends of the stretcher and raised it from the floor just as Alpha Owen ran into the restaurant, holding a large mirror.

It was then I realized the plan.We were doing a mirror teleportation.

Keane took the mirror from Alpha Owen and none of us spoke as he placed it down in front of Aisling while Alpha Owen ordered all unrelated people to move out of the restaurant.

Doyle used his nails to prick his index finger and marked the mirror with his blood.Something I’d heard that powerful Fae did to make important teleportation objects safe for passage.

Then he murmured a spell that made the mirror show a different image from what it should have been reflecting—the picture of Amelia’s private lounge room in her biggest medical facility located in Aruthia City.Doyle must have connected the mirror Alpha Owen had brought with the mirror in the lounge.I’d been there a few times with Aurora, so I recognized it as Amelia and her assistants walked through the mirror first, followed closely by Aisling and Reece, who were holding the stretcher on which Aurora was lying.

Nina went in next while I stepped toward Keane to hold the mirror for him because I knew he was the one meant to confront the members of the Alphas Congress at the Repeal meeting scheduled to be held today.Now that Aurora was hurt, that was probably impossible.

He handed over the mirror and I gestured for Caden, Aiden, and Mateo to go in through it as King Drew and Ciara teleported into the restaurant.

I listened to their conversation as Mateo, Aiden, and Caden walked in through the mirror one by one.

“Rebecca, you’re in charge for later.I have to go see my daughter.Victoria will assist you.”Keane said in a brisk tone.

“Noted.Don’t worry about anything.Go watch over Aurora.Let me know when she’s stabilized.”Rebecca replied.

Keane nodded and walked straight through the mirror without a backward glance.

“Ciara, you go with Keane and Levi, Doyle and I will take these two to the Supernatural Council and get them settled.”King Drew said.

After Ciara walked into the mirror, Victoria took the mirror from me when Doyle gestured for me to go through it.

“When you go through, break the mirror and destroy the frame.Got it?”Doyle instructed.
