Page 55 of Accepted Bonds

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I nodded and walked into the mirror.Other than the charged feeling of electricity in the air, I walked through the mirror like it was an open door and arrived in the lounge room it reflected, where Ciara was waiting for me.

Ciara lowered the gun she had pointed toward the mirror when she saw that it was me coming out of it.

“Last person?”She asked.

I nodded, and she shot the mirror twice, causing it to shatter into several pieces.

I broke the frame of the mirror into several pieces while she stood over the mirror shards and muttered a spell that made the mirror lose its reflective surface and transform into shards of glass.

She was doing this to prevent anyone from ever passing through this teleportation passage that Doyle, a Fae prince with unbeatable expertise in teleportation, had built with his blood.

If there were any evildoers with the right knowledge and the right set of forbidden spells, they could build a link to the passage and get into Amelia’s medical facility that was hidden in Aruthia City and couldn’t be accessed without specially made teleportation orbs.That would be too dangerous because there was biological, medical, and healing research, as well as several important people in the world recuperating in the facility.

Once we’d destroyed the mirror, we packed it up and dumped it in the bin in the lounge room before going in search of Aurora.

When we got to the waiting room, Nina, Madden, Brogan, and Nora were already seated there.Aisling, Reece, and Keane were not there, so I knew they were in the hospital room with Amelia.

We sat in the waiting room for a few hours without speaking as assistants kept moving in and out of it.

We all stood up when two assistants passed by us, taking a stretcher into the hospital room where Amelia was healing Aurora.

“What’s that for?”Nina asked in a hoarse, choked voice, as if she wanted to cry but was trying to restrain herself.

“Mrs.Byrne needs to rest for a while.”The red-haired assistant said.

The other assistant, who had been with Amelia the longest, reassured us, “Aurora is going to be fine.She’s not yet stabilized, but we’re making progress.”

We nodded and sat down to wait, but this time, I felt much more restless than before.

It took an entire day for Amelia, with her powerful, cheat-like healing abilities, to cover up the hole in Aurora’s waist.Another healer from Amelia’s medical facility in Europe had to teleport in to assist her because just like she noticed when she tried to heal Aurora after she was poisoned by Nyra, Aurora had developed an unhealthy tolerance to her mother’s healing magic making it almost 40 percent ineffective.

Once the other healer arrived, it took two more days for them to heal Aurora’s most fatal injuries and stabilize her.Once she was stable, we were allowed to see Aurora for a few minutes each.

Once we’d seen Aurora, Doyle teleported Caden back to Mac Tire City while Keane, Tariq, and I teleported back to the Supernatural Council to question the leader of the attackers who hurt Aurora.

* * *

When we got back to the Supernatural Council, Brogan, who got to see Aurora before us, had already gotten everything ready for the interrogation.

The interrogation room was bleak-looking with one bright florescent light atop the interrogation table and another atop the two-way mirror through which I and Tariq were monitoring the interrogation with a few members of the Supernatural Council’s Inner Council.

The fluorescent light atop the two-way mirror was positioned opposite the man being interrogated, while Keane and Brogan, who were in charge of the interrogation, sat opposite him, with their backs to the mirror.

From the room behind the two-way mirror, which had several monitors that captured the shots of the interrogation room from various angles, I stared at the leader of the group of ten that had attacked the restaurant.

“Who do you work for?”Brogan asked with a deep frown.

We started questioning the brown-haired man with the raspy voice after we revoked his blood oath to his employers and gave him a truth serum vial, which he threw down his throat in front of all of us.Yet he still had a lackadaisical attitude, as if the truth serum could not compel him to tell us the truth as it did for others.There was even a light smile on his face that said that he wasn’t saying a single thing if we didn’t do as he’d suggested when we started questioning him.

“How long do you think you can keep this on for?”I felt the same frustration I could hear in Brogan’s voice as he questioned Mr.Santiago Chavez, who had studied at Camdine Academy forty years ago with funds from an unknown sponsor before he all but disappeared after his graduation.

It was the first time that we had encountered someone whom our highest-grade truth serums didn’t work on and whose mind was closed to Keane’s mind-reading.

And the other man we’d captured was already dead.He’d somehow gotten blown up from the inside out in the cell we had kept him in.This man was our only lead to finding out who wanted to abduct Aurora and their purpose for abducting her.

“What do you want in exchange for telling us everything you know?”Keane asked.

It was only after Keane asked this question that Santiago Chavez grinned.“It’s simple.I want my freedom back.I need a bright new shiny identity, some magical surgeries to change my appearance, fingerprints, and public records.Don’t worry, you guys can monitor me the way you monitor your prisoners as long as you’re not intruding on my privacy.I just want you to help make Santiago Chavez disappear so that no one from the organization I worked for before would be able to track me down.You can pretend that I was blown up like the other guy.After all, that’s what should have happened to me if I hadn’t removed the bomb hidden in my body.In exchange, I’ll tell you everything I know about the organization I work for.”
