Page 57 of Accepted Bonds

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As I walked out of the secret room behind the two-way mirror, I glanced back at Tariq as he leaned down in front of the mic that could speak into the interrogation room’s speakers.“Thank you for cooperating with us, Mr.Chavez.I’m taking you to a safe house to ensure your safety.When we get there, we’re going to continue this conversation in more detail.The man opposite you will protect you as we get ready to move you.Please keep cooperating with us.”

I couldn’t see Santiago Chavez, but I knew he would agree to Tariq’s request.After all, he’d defaulted to us and as soon as the Notebook Organization found out, they would definitely try their best to end his life.

His fate and the Supernatural Council’s were melded together now and if he wanted to live long, he couldn’t afford to let the Notebook Organization succeed in their world domination plans.

Since we now knew why Aurora was almost abducted, Keane and I teleported back to Amelia’s medical facility in Aruthia.

We didn’t need to know more than we already knew.Tariq would find out every other information and give us instructions on whatever we needed to do after this.



When I woke up, it was to the beeping sounds of medical monitors, whirring machine sounds, constant footsteps, muffled voices discussing patient care and intercom announcements.It took a while for me to drag myself from the drowsy darkness I seemed to be stuck in, as my eyes refused to open as if they’d been glued shut.

After what felt like hours in darkness, I cracked my eyes open and my gaze fell on a white and sterile-looking ceiling and warm ceiling lights that made my eyes sting.I wanted to pull my hands up to protect my eyes from the lights, but they were stuck.

My attempt to pull my hands from the grip holding them made me release a pained groan as a sharp, shooting pain lanced through my side and spread all over my body, as if the wound in my side had roots that spread outwards, reaching every nerve in my body.

My breath caught in my throat, tears welled in my eyes, and I clenched my teeth to suppress the sob that almost left my lips as the sharp pain went straight to my brain.The pain woke me up and pushed all grogginess away as the memory of getting shot at the Lannigan Hotel restaurant flashed through my head.

I didn’t dare to sit up or move because of the searing pain in my waist, so I craned my neck slightly to look down at both of my hands.My right hand was in a very familiar soft grip that belonged to none other than my mother.She was seated on a chair by my right with her face buried in the crisp white sheets of my hospital bed.Even though I couldn’t see her face, her wavy, jet-black hair, beautiful alabaster skin, and her scent were all I needed to know who she was.

When I looked toward my left, I recognized the head pressed to my hospital sheets as Aiden’s by the fading silver tip of his hair and his passion fruit scent that had a particular sourness today that seemed to permeate the entire room.The side of his face was resting on the white hospital sheets and his slumbering breath warmed the back of my hand, which was pressed to his lips.

I lay there and stared at both of them for as long as I could crane my neck before it became sore, unwilling to wake them up while wondering how long I was unconscious.

Even though I hadn’t wanted to wake them, my mom woke up on her own.

She pulled her head off my sheets, rubbed her eyes for a few seconds, kissed the back of my hand, and released her grip on it as she stood up to stretch.

It was only after a long yawn while staring at the beeping medical monitor by my bedside that she glanced at me and our gazes met.

Her lips parted for a second, but before she pulled her gaze away, I saw the tears that welled in her eyes.She moved closer to me, sat on the edge of my bed, and wrapped her arms around me in a gentle embrace.When she sniffled, I raised my right hand to pat her on the back.Even though I’d been injured on my left side, moving my right hand still intensified the searing pain in my waist.However, now that I had acclimated to the pain, I could try to ignore it.

When my mom withdrew from our embrace, I felt Aiden’s grip on my left hand tighten, a sign that he was awake.

“I was so worried about you!Do you know how hard it was to heal you?!I told you that your body had developed a tolerance for my magic, and you still dared to challenge men with laser rifles?Do you know how it felt to heal my daughter, who had a cauterized hole in the side of her waist from laser rifles that I’ve only read about in Science Fiction books?It took three days and several healing sessions to heal you.After Miranda and I stabilized you, we had to call in another healer to restart the flow of blood in that part of your body because my magic was no longer working on your body and she was beyond exhausted.What were you thinking attacking nine men with laser rifles?Huh?”She tried to sound stern but kept pausing as if she was trying to speak around a lump in her throat as tears rolled down her face.

Seeing her crying broke my heart, and my eyes welled with tears as I apologized.“Mom, I’m sorry.I won’t do it again.”

After she’d wiped away her tears, she stared at me with red-rimmed eyes as she said in a sarcastic tone.“You thought, oh, my parents have only one kid, so I might as well just disappear and leave a hole in their hearts for the rest of their lives by dying, right?”

“Mom, I’m sorry.I saw an opportunity and took it.I ...”I tried to comfort her.

But my words only made her mad.“An opportunity?!Aurora, goddammit!You were surrounded by nine men with laser rifles.What made you think you could fight with them and get away unscathed?”

“I ...”I tried to protest.

“There’s no justification for your actions!You should have waited for us to rescue you!What?With how big our family is, you thought we couldn’t rescue you?What should we have done if you had gotten shot in the heart?That would have been instant death, Aurora!Instant death!I almost lost you forever!”

Seeing the tears streaming down her face, I tried to sit up but lay right back with a pained groan.“Mom, I’m sorry.I won’t do that again.”

“Oh, you!”She said before embracing me again.

By the time she pulled away from the embrace, my calm mom was back as she turned her back to me to wipe her tears.

I glanced at Aiden, who was sitting up in his chair staring at me with quiet emotionless eyes, which made an involuntary shiver run down my spine, eliciting another pained groan.Instead of asking how I was, he looked away from me.
