Page 60 of Accepted Bonds

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Levi sighed.“Aurora ...unlike everyone else, I’m no longer mad at you.I’m just worried that you will do this again and that next time, your actions will cost your life.”

“I ...”

“Don’t interrupt.You can fight, yes, and you can use weapons, yes.But you’re not invincible.Do you remember what happened on the day we got attacked?I’m currently the best at hand combat in the Supernatural Council, but I didn’t make any moves when those men attacked.Was it because Aiden, Caden, Mateo, and I were cowards?No.We just knew better than to put ourselves and the others in that restaurant in danger.”

His brows furrowed deeper.“There were ten men with laser rifles.Their aim was straightforward: to abduct you and demand a ransom of sorts from your parents in exchange for your release.Even if they took you anywhere, they couldn’t have taken you far or disappeared with you because, after Nyra’s incident, your parents already infused several location spells in your body.What were you thinking, trying to play superwoman with laser rifles?”

“I forgot about the spells ...”I murmured.

“Even if there was no spell, how exactly were you planning to avoid ten laser rifles?Even if they brought simple guns ...What?!Do you think you’re faster than ten bullets?!Aurora, I trained you to think smarter than that, so your actions were very disappointing.If those men were better skilled or their leader hadn’t wanted to surrender, you would have been long gone.And if your mom wasn’t a healer could have died or you could have been paralyzed forever.Not everything gets healed, even if you’re a werewolf, Aurora.Laser rifles, silver bullets ...they don’t just hurt, they can cause irreparable damage to your body.”

I lowered my eyes to stare down at the hospital sheets covering my legs as Levi’s stern words reverberated through the room.I could hear the mix of frustration, concern, and disappointment in his voice.And the sound of it made the lump in my throat grow bigger.

I was an emotional person and even though I knew Levi was right and I was wrong, tears still welled up in my eyes unbidden.

“I’m ...I’m sorry,” I stammered, my voice barely audible as the words caught in my throat like shards of glass when I looked up to see the frustration and disappointment in his gaze.

I wiped the tears that rolled down my cheeks, blinking to stop the tears welling in my eyes from dropping.I didn’t deserve to cry and even if my mother had only said a few stern words, I knew I deserved to be scolded.

In the spur of the moment of that battle, I had done no strategic thinking.I’d been cocky and even overconfident, and I knew that even if no one had said anything, I’d hurt them with my actions.

They’d all had to stand by, worried, and distressed, while my mother struggled to heal me to prevent me from ending up paralyzed forever.

“Okay, okay.It’s okay.She’s learned her lesson.Don’t make her cry.She won’t do it again.Right, Aurora?”Mateo was the one who bailed me out.

I nodded and apologized while sniffling.“I’m sorry.”

With a deep breath, I straightened my posture, my tear-streaked face reflecting a newfound determination.“I promise that I will be more careful.If I’m in danger, I’ll think first before acting.”

Levi just sighed and then sat on my hospital bed to hug me.“It’s okay.I just ...I said too much.I’m proud that you’re so brave.I just wish you weren’t so brave all the time.This is the second time in less than a month that we’ve come close to losing you.I’m an old man.Are you trying to end me before my time?”

I couldn’t help smiling while sniffling as Mateo changed the subject.“When you say you’re an old man, how old do you mean, exactly?”

“Many years beyond your comprehension.”Levi’s mysterious tone made me chuckle, even though I didn’t know how old he was, either.

“No, let’s be serious here.How old are you exactly?”Mateo urged.

“Why should I tell you that?All you need to know is that I’m older than Alpha Owen.”Levi said with a smug smirk.

“Ugh!You’re so insufferable!”Mateo grumbled.

* * *

It took days for me to get Aiden and my mom to forgive me.My mom made sure I stayed in the hospital for three entire weeks, and she made sure I didn’t get my phone back during that period.Everyone came to see me after I woke up, but everyone disapproved of how I’d handled the matter.It took weeks of being on my best, most obedient behavior before many of my family members forgave me.

Daddy Aisling forgave me after a week, but Daddy Reece and Nina took longer.Other than coming to see me once after I woke up, Daddy Keane stayed away, which was all the proof I needed to know that it would take a lot of work to earn his forgiveness.

Three days after I woke up, Levi narrated everything that happened after the attack on the restaurant.

Since the Alphas Congress’s meeting couldn’t be postponed, it was held three hours later than the scheduled time.The Alphas, although shaken by the attack on the restaurant which many future Alphas and pack representatives were fond of using, still presented the request to repeal the Pack Observer Law based on various evidence they’d gathered.

Unfortunately, the Supernatural Council had gathered several pieces of evidence, including recorded testimonies from the witches, CCTV footage of the Alphas when they went to interview dinners with the handlers, and many others.

After the Supernatural Council presented the evidence of Alphas compelling pack observers leading to their deaths and the various careless actions they’d taken after they compelled their pack observers, the appeal to repeal the Pack Observer Law was rejected.The worst part was that the hearing had been done with public news channels present and they recorded everything intending to show the clips to the public.

After the clip was revealed, many members of the public who had been speaking against the Supernatural Council changed sides, while the reputation of werewolf Alphas around the world was at an all-time low.

The Alphas who had compelled their pack observers were arrested by the Supernatural Council as soon as the meeting ended.They would all be dealt with depending on the result of the effects of compulsion on their pack observers.
