Page 61 of Accepted Bonds

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At the same time, the Notebook Organization was publicly announced as a criminal organization.They were cited for various crimes, including the kidnapping of the witches who compelled the pack observers.

After three weeks of being stuck at the hospital, the first thing I did after I was discharged from my mom’s hospital in faraway Aruthia City was to visit my favorite café in Ni Daonni City with my mates and sit by the window talking and watching people move around.

After spending a day helping me get settled in Ni Daonni City, Caden, Aiden, and Mateo went back to Mac Tire City.During the next week, I wrote several reports on my involvement in the missing pack observers’ case before it was closed and my account of the attack in the restaurant.After that week, I needed to go back to Crawford Town to finish my exchange student program, which had been delayed over and over by various incidents.Thankfully, Nyra’s Supernatural Council court hearing was also scheduled to take place that week, and I was able to attend it before leaving for Mac Tire City.



I felt hollow when I arrived home from Nyra’s first court hearing.It hadn’t been fun to watch her lower her head as her attorney and the defense attorney interrogated her psychiatrist about the crimes she had been brought to court for and how her experiences had forced her to commit them.In four days, the case was going to continue, this time with Nyra’s psychiatrist providing gathered evidence supporting the things Nyra had shared, as well as the interview of a few other witnesses.

Before I left, I spoke to Nyra’s attorney, and she hoped that with the Supernatural Council trying to get her hearing out of the way, Nyra’s case would be settled as quickly as possible.

When I walked into my family’s Ni Daonni City apartment hoping to have lunch with my parents, or at least one of them, for comfort, I realized that the house was empty and my family members were nowhere to be found.The only family member I found was Leto, our sentient soul animal fox with a big ego.

“Oh, hey big guy!Why is the apartment so empty?”I asked, not daring to call him a ‘little guy’ even though he was a small fox.

Leto made successive yip sounds while walking toward me.

“They went to the house in Aruthia?Um, but why didn’t they just tell me that?”I asked, lowering my head to send my mom a text.

However, my view of my phone’s screen was interrupted when Leto jumped onto me, setting his adorable little bottom right on my phone.

Seeing that Leto was in the mood to allow me to stroke his majestic furry body, I immediately freed up one hand so I could stroke his fluffy fur with one hand while holding him with my other hand.

Before I could enjoy stroking him, however, I heard the light whirring sound of a destination teleportation orb getting activated.

“Leto, what the hell?I swear if this is a prank, I’ll ...I’ll report you to Mom.”I warned, as our bodies were teleported to a new location.

In response to my threat, Leto just glanced at me.

The disdain in his gaze and his unconcerned yip made it obvious that he wasn’t afraid of me one bit.

I took a deep breath to avoid getting mad at him so I could ask him where he’d teleported me to.However, by then we’d arrived at our destination—the private woods attached to our house in Aruthia.

And standing opposite me, a little distance away, in a curved row, were my parents.

“Mom, what’s going on?Leto teleported me here without telling—” Before I could say more, Leto jumped out of my arms and into the clearing, moving straight to my parents and jumping into Daddy Reece’s arms.

The teleportation was completed at that moment and I finally saw the man kneeling at my feet beside the sprawling roots of the enormous tree where, in my childhood, he had constructed a massive tree house just for me.

He was holding a Fae-designed ruby ring and on his face was a big, wide smile.The amusement and happiness in his green eyes made the speckles in them look molten silver.

Holding my gaze, he started speaking.“Aurora, from the moment I met you, I knew there was something extraordinary about you.You’ve always been my guiding light, my strength, and my reason to strive for the best in myself.Through all the years we’ve known each other, my love for you has only grown stronger.You’ve shown me the true meaning of loyalty, kindness, courage, and unwavering love.”

He kissed the back of my hand before continuing, “Today, I’m kneeling before you to offer you not just my heart, but my eternal devotion.I want to be by your side through every rising moon and sun and through every joy and challenge that life may bring.I want to share my eternity with you, to protect and cherish you, and to stand beside you as your mate.You’ve always been a part of my life, and now I want us to be bound together forever until death and after death.Will you accept my courting gift and agree to be my official mate?”

My lips parted, but I couldn’t speak as I pressed my hand to my heart, which was beating way too fast.


“I do.I mean, yes.Definitely a big yes!”I said, holding out my ring finger in front of his elegant ruby ring.

Once he’d pushed the ring onto my finger, I pulled him to his feet, wrapped my arm around his neck, and kissed him.

We didn’t stop until Daddy Keane spoke in a disgruntled voice.“Alright, alright, break it up.”

Afterward, I went to hug my parents, Leto and Willow, carrying Leto in my arms as we went back into the house for lunch.
