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"I have savings." I try to keep my cool. "How much will I have to pay?"

Adam smiles at me and names a figure that makes my legs turn to jelly. That's three times my savings!

"I'm afraid you cannot just resign." He leans forward, plucks the resignation letter from the desk, and holds my gaze as he tears it to bits.

It's hard to maintain my calm facade, but I force a smile on my lips. "You could always fire me."

"Now, why would I do that?" Adam's smile is sly. "You're right where I want you."

I study him for a few seconds before murmuring, "Have you seen the productivity reports from when I stepped on as director?"

"I've never doubted your skills."

"Well, prepare to do so." I raise my brows. "If you won't fire me, I'll make you."

His eyes narrow. "So, you're going to make trouble for me?"

"If that's what it takes to free myself from you, then yes." I give him a scathing look. "I believe we're done here."

I begin walking towards the door, and then I hear him ask, "Do you really loathe me that much?"

My hand is on the doorknob when I pause. My voice is low as I answer, "Yes. I loathe anyone who wants to put a leash around my neck. I especially despise the man who would have kept the collar around my neck, keeping me at his feet like a dog, whilst claiming to care about me."

I don't wait around for his answer, slamming the door behind me as I storm out.

Seeing him, hearing his voice, it's bringing back more than just memories. It's bringing back a wealth of pain.

Rounding the corner, I place my hand on the wall to steady myself, the other hand on my chest.

I didn't mean to say that. I should have kept things professional and cold.

But I couldn't help myself. I don't understand it. This life I've built with Riya, with Tony and Maya, it's not lacking in anything. I'm happy. I'm content. But the moment I laid eyes on Adam, all that happiness vanished. It was replaced by a misery I can't shake. My wolf whines and wants to go back inside that room, but I refuse to.

Adam has created the life he wanted. He's the alpha. He's probably married to Tina now or even mated. Four years should eased the pain, but it all came tumbling down on top of me.

I return to my office, and Kofo is fixing the mess the police probably caused.

"What happened?" He jumps to his feet. "Are you fired? Please tell me you're not fired!"

"No." I sink into my chair, feeling a headache brewing. "Gregory was fired. He's probably going to be sued as well."

"Oh." Kofo sits heavily on the seat adjacent to my desk. "Well, that was expected, wasn't it?"

"I guess," I mumble.

I want to go home.

"So, what now?"

"That's the million-dollar question," I say softly.

After pondering for a minute, I look up at Kofo. "You studied corporate law, right?"

"I minored in it." Kofo nods.

"Alright, I'll shoot you a hypothetical. If a company employee decides to resign but will have to pay the company three years' worth of salary, isn't that illegal?"

Kofo whistles through his teeth. "That's kind of a gray area. If the employee signed the contract, they have to fulfill it."
