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Adrian doesn't give me a chance to speak. "I never thought I would run into such a charming woman tonight, and the night's still young. Will you still not give me your name?"

I shake my head mutely, my heart beating so loudly that I'm afraid he might be able to hear it.

"I can't," I finally manage.

"You can't," he echoes thoughtfully, his eyes darkening.

My wolf feels strange. My body is tingling all over, my nipples tightening.

Is this desire?

"Alright." He takes another step toward me until our faces are mere inches apart. His hand comes to cup my cheek as he lowers his mouth to mine. "Then would Anna like to go somewhere with me?"

"W-Where?" I can't help but stammer. His lips are nearly touching mine!

"Somewhere we can be alone." Adrian's mouth swoops down on mine in a kiss that makes my toes curl. "Somewhere where I can take off your clothes, one by one, and ravish you until you forget everything but my name?"

Say no. Say no!

The voice in my head is clear. I can't do this! I'll get caught! I'll––

The second kiss makes me want to rub my legs together.

"I've never… I don't…"

How am I supposed to tell him that I'm a virgin? That I just had my first kiss and it was with him!

However, he seems to realize what I'm saying because his eyes widen in understanding and shock. The heat in his eyes is replaced by a maddening hunger. "You've never been touched before?"

His voice is low, a soft velvety caress that makes me want to whimper.

I shake my head.

A wicked smile forms on his lips. "Then, I'll teach you."

My 'no' just flies out of the window, just like that.



Visiting human-owned bars is a rare escape for me. Since I’m certain I won't run into anyone from my pack here, it lets me relax and sip one of their weak alcoholic drinks in silence. I never expected such a lovely little wolf shifter to be sitting all by herself tonight. Even without catching her scent, the awareness within her, and her sharp reflexes, I knew what she was. She stood out like a sore thumb, but not because of her looks or her dress.

It was the sheer naivety in her eyes, the childish excitement.

After the grueling day I'd had, I should have avoided her, but I could see the way some of the men in the back were eyeing her. Or perhaps it was the sheer enthusiasm that I found so charming. Big blue eyes, pale skin, delicate features that were oddly familiar, and yet, she drew me to her. Her little game with made-up names made me want to smile.

My life has been consumed by work, by the drive to succeed. I barely get the chance to relax or to have fun. But this girl, she made it easy to laugh, to talk. She was like a glass of cool refreshing water after a day in the burning sun. My exhaustion faded after just a few minutes with her.

I should have realized then.

When my wolf rolled over inside me, rumbling in bliss, it should have been a warning sign.

All it took was a whiff of her scent.

Pure, lovely, and mine.

My fated mate.
