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I fix my suit jacket and then take her hand. "You know what's going to go down tonight, don't you?"

She nods.

"Don't falter. No matter what happens, stay by my side."

"Don't worry," Cynthia reassures me. "Let's go."

Maya sees us off, and Cynthia waves at her. However, there is no smile on either of their faces.

As we drive to the pack event, Cynthia murmurs, "I'm glad you suggested having Tony and Maya move in with us until everything is sorted."

I don't say anything, my body stiff. Cynthia puts her hand on my thigh. It's not a sexual touch of any sort, just an attempt to calm me. We drive the rest of the way in silence. The valet takes our car when we reach and we enter the glittering ballroom. There are already plenty of people in attendance, and I recognize most of them. I don't see Watson anywhere.

Tina is standing in a corner, talking to a few members of a different pack. Reynold is by her side.

I check my watch and look to a corner of the room where a server is standing. He nods at me.

Good. They've started moving.

We approach Tina and Reynold, and as we reach them, a voice booms from behind us, "Adam?"

I feel Cynthia freeze, but she turns around as I do. Watson's face is red with anger. "What is going on? Why didn't you come here with Tina? What is the meaning of this?"

"Why would I come here with Tina?"

Tina gives a quizzical look toward her father just as the announcer gets on the stage. "This year, we will be announcing two mated couples. Will you please approach the stage?"

I pull Cynthia with me while Tina and Reynold also follow us. Once we're there, I can sense Cynthia's uneasiness, but I send her comfort through our bond.

"Introducing Alpha Adam Moore and his mate, Alpha Female Cynthia Rose," The announcer says into the mic. As a round of applause breaks out, I see Watson's face grow a bright red.

"Also introducing Reynold Dupont and his mate, Tina Trembley!"

Watson goes white as a sheet.

Tina's lips are curved in a vicious smile as she meets her father's gaze. As we get down from the stage, Watson rushes towards us. "Come with me!"

I know Tina wants her pound of flesh, and I'm not going anywhere without Cynthia, so I smile. "Lead the way."

"Reynold, you stay here," Tina says coolly. She gestures with her head, and Reynold nods.

Watson is vibrating with rage, and the minute we are in a private room, he turns around and raising his hand, slaps Tina across the face.

"You ungrateful bitch!"

When he lifts his hand again, I grab his wrist and shove him back, warning, "Enough."

"Both of you are ungrateful bastards! After everything I did for you, this is how you repay me?"

"What you did for me?" Tina spits out. "You mean murdering my mother in cold blood so you could mate another female? Or should I be grateful for the series of females you've made me watch die at your hands when none of them were able to offer you another child?"

Watson's eyes narrow in rage. "I gave you a home! I sent you to the best schools, the best universities! I made you who you are––"

"You gave me nothing," Tina snarls. "You killed my mother! You disemboweled her in front of my eyes. Did you think I would be loyal to you after that? I've spent every waking moment planning your downfall. You were too relaxed, too sure of your power over me, and you kept slipping up! You're nothing more than a greedy bastard. Adam and I have uncovered every foul deed you ever did. Now you will have to answer to the pack and to the alpha!"

Watson scoffs, "Answer? Me? You think you've won something? You've only destroyed your own future! And you, Adam, you think you'll get your happily ever after with this woman by your side? Cynthia Morrighan, was it? That was the name I gave you, right? A foolish girl like you has no place as the Alpha Female. You should never have accepted my help. Now your name is linked with drug trafficking and sex trafficking. The human world will tear you apart."

"Don't talk to my mate," I say, "and Cynthia Morrighan no longer exists. I deleted every trace of her existence a week ago. Cynthia doesn't know you, but I do. Or I began to know you alot better these past years. You have nothing on her. You are nothing, Watson!"
