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“Are you sure you’re okay with it? I just don’t want Frank entering my apartment, Lacy,” I say into my phone. “The plumber will be there tomorrow to fix the leak.”

“I’ll bring you some leftovers tonight, then,” my friend and neighbor reassures me over the phone as I walk into the bar.

I smile, relieved.

My smile disappears once I close the phone. Sometimes it feels that even living is exhausting. It’s like I’m fighting against the world with nothing going in my favor. I shake off the tiredness as I dump my things in the locker and get changed.

“Seline.” Ellie, who’s taking a break, gives me a concerned look. “There are some men outside waiting for you.”

I blink. “For me?”

The corner of her mouth curls downwards. “I didn’t like the look of them.”

I slam the locker shut and give her a wry smile. “You don’t like the look of half this town, Ellie. Your trust issues are showing.”

She grins. “Look who’s talking.”

But just as I’m about to walk out, she says, “Be careful, though. They had a mean look in their eyes.”

A minute later, I understand why she was so concerned. My jaw tightens as I see three buff-looking vampires sitting at a corner table, waiting for me. They’re all in suits, which gives them a businesslike appearance.

“What are you doing here?” I hiss. “It’s not time for the monthly payment.”

“The boss wants an advance in your payment,” the taller one of them says harshly.

“Well, I can’t give you what I don’t have,” I say tightly. “I’ve paid sixty percent of the loan already. He should have some faith that I’ll pay the rest on time as well!”

One of them sneers and holds out a paper. “Unfortunately, two more loans have been added to your name.”

My blood grows cold as I seize the paper from his hand and see the massive amounts taken out, with me as the guarantor.

It’ll take me ten years to pay these off!

“I told Jamie not to make me the guarantor for any other loans that woman takes out!” I shove the paper back at him, an acrid taste in my mouth.

The three men exchange a look. “You need to sign a document for that. You can come with us and do so. Then we’ll just go straight to the source and take out money from her.”

He holds out another piece of paper and offers a pen.

My mouth is dry as I take it, but when it comes to signing the paper, my hand is unable to move. Jamie is being considerate of me because he likes me, but what will he do to my mother when it comes to demanding money? She doesn’t even have a job.

I close my eyes in regret and lower the pen, defeated. “Add these to my tally, then. But tell Jamie to turn her away when she comes for more money.”

One of the vampires snickers. “Sure.”

I know that means it’s not going to happen. They know that I will keep paying off my mother’s growing debts. And loan sharks love regular customers.

“As for why we’re here today,” the vampire holds out his hand, “the boss wants you to pay half the money upfront.”

“I don’t have that kind of money,” I retort sharply. “If his intention is just to harass me for no reason, we have a contract in place, so no!”

The vampires exchange grim looks and shrug. “So be it. But just remember that we asked you politely first.”

I watch them leave, and as I do, I see someone watching me.

It’s the same wolf shifter from that day. It’s been a week since I last ran into him, and this time, he is not alone. He’s with a group of friends, it seems. His brows furrow as he watches the departing vampires.

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