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"An Alpha." I see the wolf appear in Robert's eyes at the challenge. "So you'd better step down, little boy."

When a pack swears allegiance to an alpha, their animal becomes more fierce and powerful. It's how packs work. Norman has no chance of coming out unscathed if he thinks he can go head-to-head with Robert. Even if Robert and I fight, I wouldalso be at a disadvantage. I don't have the strength or speed that comes naturally to an alpha, something Robert gained when he became one.

Norman is a fool, but I guess he's got enough brain cells left to know when to back down.

"Lydia, your phone?" I hold out my hand. As she hands me her cell phone, my eyes are on Norman's face. The uneasiness on his face pleases me. He should be worried. If he's the one behind this, then he's going to get what's coming to him. Touching a healer with ill intentions is sacrilegious.

"Aren't you overreacting?" Norman tries again, but I'm already calling the pack's Investigative Force. Each pack's IF is composed of highly trained personnel who attend the human police academy and work several years alongside the humans in law enforcement before resigning and joining the pack's security. They're answerable to the alpha like everyone else, but nobody can interfere in their investigation. At least, no Alpha has attempted to.

I see Robert smudging his hand over the gun to make sure that Lydia's prints are completely destroyed.

"I think you should leave." I look at Norman. "Or do you want to wait around to answer some questions, maybe about why you decided to show up out of the blue here looking for Healer Lydia?"

Norman flinches. "What're you trying to accuse me of? I don't have to stay here for this!"

He storms off, and the rest of the officials look confused.

I raise my brow. "Do you want to stick around and answer questions?"

They turn on their heels and hurry after Norman.

Making the call, I look at Lydia, my voice firm. "You did nothing wrong, and you're not going to admit to shooting your attacker. Do you understand me? I'm not so sure my father didn't have a hand in this, so you'd better be careful."

"What do you plan to do?" Robert looks at me.

"Wait for the IF members to arrive and then get ready for the meeting tomorrow," I say. "Let's see what dear old Dad has to say."


I've successfully located Healer Lydia in one of the apartment complexes I own by the next morning. As I sit in my office waiting for my father to arrive, I muse over yesterday's events. No matter how Lydia squared off against my father, it was hard to see him go after her. But the men who came after Lydia were both scarred beyond recognition, and their fingerprints had been burnt off. The IF members who showed up looked grim upon seeing the men, and it makes me think this isn't the first time something like this has happened. They didn't seem surprised to see the burnt faces or hands.

Does my father have a private assassination squad? Or does Norman? I would place my bets on my father's ability to form such a group. But I have no evidence. What I do know is that Norman is somewhat involved.

I lean forward in my chair, my elbows resting on the desk, my hands folded, as I stare at my laptop screen, unseeing. Cynthia knew something would happen to Lydia. How? Why warn her if she is so loyal to my father?

I'm missing something here.

A knock on the door, and Gerald enters. "Alpha Moore and Cynthia Rose are here to see you."

"Let them in." I nod.

My father walks in as if he owns the place, and I'm pretty sure he thinks he will one day. Too bad I don't plan to let that happen. My eyes swiftly move toward Cynthia, who looks pale as a ghost. She's wearing a long coat today, and I can sense her distress. She's looking at the floor.

"Well?" I turn my attention back to my father, who's now sitting across from me. Cynthia is standing behind him like a servant would, and my jaw hardens. But I'm not foolish enough to show my father he might potentially have his thumb on a weakness of mine. So, I don't ask her to sit.

"I'm here as the alpha, not your father," he says suddenly.

I raise a brow. "And what does the alpha want with me?"

"I heard you're looking for a new secretary," my father says, his eyes smug. "You will hire Cynthia for the role."

"Excuse me?" I have to stop myself from grinning. "I have to do what?"

"You will hire Cynthia as your secretary."

"And why would I do that?" I ask.

I see her flinch, and my hand clenches into a fist. It's like she's holding back tears right now, and I want to know what's going on.
