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Cynthia wouldn't have given that warning without a reason. Making an accusation like that against the pack alpha is not a small thing, and she could have been severely punished for that.

Did my father or Norman send these men? I wonder grimly. Who are they?

Robert seems to be following my line of thought because he checks the bodies and then shakes his head. "They've got nothing on them to identify them with."

He takes off their masks and then hisses, "What is that?"

I follow his gaze and see the man's face has been completely burnt.

"Their hands are the same," Robert mutters, looking horrified. "But they're definitely our kind."

My jaw is tense as I watch him check the other man as well. "They were skilled at fighting."

"Almost like a team of assassins," Robert says softly, meeting my gaze.

"Or an attempt at one," I add.

Cynthia knew my father wouldn't take the insult to him lightly. Was that why she warned the healer? Or was Norman behind this?

Sounds of people approaching have me stiffening.

I grab the gun from Lydia, toss it to Robert, and order the healer, "You're not to admit that you killed anyone. Do you understand? You know what will happen if you do."

She goes pale and nods.

"What's going on here?" I hear Norman's voice, a hint of glee in it. "Why is there a dead person in the warehouse? Healer Lydia? Are you in here?"

"We're in the back," I call out, and moments later, I see Norman, along with a group of pack officials walking in. His expression is twisted in annoyance.

"What're you doing here?" he demands.

"We were passing by when we saw suspicious activity and we came across Nurse Lydia being attacked, so we saved her."

"You saved her?" Norman asks mockingly. 'The man by the entrance has a bullet in him. I didn't know wolves could spray bullets."

"I brought a gun." Robert waves it in the air.

"Really?" Norman grits his teeth. "Because I heard Healer Lydia borrowed a gun from one of your people, Adam."

"Yeah," Robert beams, "for me. I've run into some shady people recently, so I wanted to be prepared. Can't go all wolf if someone shoots at me in the street, now can I? That's what the silver bullets were for. Thankfully, they could be used to save Healer Lydia's life."

"I don't believe you." Norman looks angry now, and I raise a brow. I'm starting to think Norman is the one behind this attack.How convenient that he just happened to show up here with a group of officials, who also look wary now.

"I thought we were going to tour the infirmary, Mr. Moore." One of the men frowns. "Why did you bring us here? And what is all this?"

"Well, the infirmary was closed." Norman scowls. "I was just looking for someone."

"Well, perhaps you should leave so I can get IF here," I suggest.

His expression tightens. "What're you calling the Investigative Force for?"

"Are you blind, Norman? One of the pack healers just got attacked. That is not a small matter. Attacking a pack healer is treason, or do you not even know that much?"

Norman looks uneasy now. "She's fine, so why waste their time? And besides, I'm still not sure she didn't shoot one of them. You know healers that take a life have to be removed from the pack."

"And I just told you, I shot the man." Robert frowns. "Your brother must be deaf, too, Adam."

"And who the hell do you think you are speaking to me like that?" Norman snarls, stepping forward.

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