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I stare at him, pushing back the urge to punch him in the face. He's so pushy.

"I can't tell you what I can't tell you, Adam!" My own voice rises in irritation. "Maybe learn to take no for an answer."

He gives me an annoyed look before turning his attention back to the road. "I take back what I said. You can be quite frustrating."

I glower out the window.

He starts the car, his voice hard. "Let's get one thing straight. You will be getting your salary here, even if I have to pay you in cash."

I doubt Jonathon will let me keep that money, but Adam can try.

He begins driving, and as my own anger fades, I feel a warmth in my chest that I can't explain. I don't understand it, but some of my bitterness has faded, and I find myself smiling as I look down at my lap, my heart a bit lighter.

Perhaps Jonathon didn't think things through when he sent me here.



When Adam said we would get some clothes, I thought he meant maybe one or two shirts and pants that would be suitable for the office.

I stare around at my small living room in dismay the next morning. How am I supposed to fit all those clothes in my tiny closet?

He dragged me from shop to shop, getting me to try out different blouses and shirts. He'd make me model them for him, and there was something about the way he would look at me that had me pressing my legs tighter together, my body burning. I was so busy trying to get my wolf and my own burning body under control I didn't realize he had purchased so many clothes. It was only when we got to the evening gowns and the lingerie that I had to put a foot down.

"I'm not going to model a babydoll nightie for you!"I had hissed at him as he had held the black sheer dress out to me, much to the amusement of the store clerk.

"Why not?" Adam's smile had raised my heartbeat. "I want to see you in one."

"I will punch you in your family jewels, Adam,"I had snarled at him, finally losing my cool, and he laughed, delighted at mythreat for some reason. Fortunately, he didn't press the issue, and I realized he had just been trying to get me worked up.

"At least I know what your favorite color is," I muse to myself, feeling myself smiling. I ended up with at least seven deep red silk blouses. They're all different designs, and more importantly, everything he chose covered me from neck to wrist. It was almost as if he could sense I didn't want to be exposed.

After what Jonathon did to me, I want to be covered. I have this overwhelming urge to hide myself, the shame of what he made me do, of how he made me stand before Adam like a woman on sale, like someone who just existed to be used, still eating at me. There's not a single pencil skirt in these bags. Blouses that fully cover me, formal pants, and two dress suits.

I take out one of the blouses and cut the tag before fingering the soft material, my thoughts wandering. I don't trust him because he's a Moore. I don't trust him because nobody in my life has ever been trustworthy. I don't trust him because I'm broken inside. But he treats me so gently, as if my feelings matter, as if I matter. He gets angry for me. He makes me feel warm and safe.

A tear spills down my cheek as I stare blindly at the clothes in my hand.

Can I trust you? I muse wearily, my heart aching. Will you hurt me if I side with you? Will you hurt me once you've used me to get rid of Norman?

I don't know the answer to any of the questions plaguing me. It's like a war waging inside.

My phone begins ringing, and I cast a quick look at the wall clock.

It must be Tony here to pick me up! I grab a pair of pants from the bags and rush to the bathroom to quickly shower and change. My hair is wet when I run out the door fifteen minutes later. Tony is waiting in the car for me, and the moment I open the door, I'm hit by a very familiar scent.

"Who were you just with?" I stare at him, still not having entered the car.

"Nobody," he lies through his teeth.

"You were with Maya," I say slowly.

That makes him blink, and he gives me a surprised look. "You know Maya?"

"We…" I hesitate. "We're friends."

"Oh," Tony looks taken aback, "I didn't know. We've been dating for two months now."
