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"That's not true!" Sharon cries out. "She's lying to you."

"I sent you a follow-up email," I interject. That's when I see the malicious gleam in her eyes.

"What email? I never received an email. You can check––"

"I have a screenshot of it," I reply simply. "Would you like to see it, Mr. Moore?"

"I believe you," Adam says. "And I have eyewitnesses who told me exactly what happened at each department yesterday."

Sharon stiffens. "She was rude to me and obnoxious––"

"I don't care if she slapped you," Adam growls. "An insult to my PA is an insult to me. You're done here, Sharon. Get out of this building. You'll be receiving your termination letter in an hour."

"What?" Sharon gasps out, paling. "No. No, you can't do that! I've been working here for five years! I just made director two months ago."

"Then you should have remembered the company policy about abuse and bullying," Adam roars.

I'm taken aback by this. I never expected him to fire her. Perhaps a slap on the wrist.

"Adam," I say warily, my voice low.

He holds up a hand, stopping me. "Get out, Sharon. If you had remembered how hard you had worked to reach this point, then you should have been more careful when it came to harassing and insulting a new employee. I don't pay any of you to create chaos within the workplace. I pay you to do your job. I needed the launch plan yesterday. You thought you were above orders because you didn't like the messenger? Well, I've made things easy for you. You can find a new place of work."

Sharon is crying now, and despite her cruel taunts, I feel a hint of pity. I look at Adam, beseechingly, but he ignores me.

"Will you go or should I call security?" he demands.

She shuffles out, sobbing, and I close my eyes, feeling sick to the stomach.

"You didn't have to do that."

His hands are on my shoulders when I open my eyes, and he looks all kinds of mad.

"Why didn't you rip her eyes out when she started insulting you?" Adam growls at me.

"Why're you mad at me?"

"You just sat there, listening."

"I answered back."

"Not as much as you could have!"

"You didn't have to throw her out of her job!" I insist. "Look, she was pissy. I get it. But––"

"If I hadn't fired her, she would have continued with this behavior." Adam steps away from me and picks up the file from the ground. "And she made a mistake, as well. I needed the launch idea yesterday. She could have cost me millions if you hadn't stepped in."

He walks into his office and slams the door behind him.

My wolf is sitting up, its tail wagging in happiness.

He defended me and protected me. Something new for me, but I like the feeling. I can sense how close Adam's wolf is to the surface. I don't know how I can tell, but I just know. I glance at the door, but something tells me I shouldn't poke the proverbial bear while he's still angry. Sighing, I sit down at my desk.

At least now no one will go out of their way to mess with me.

Or so I thought.

Word has gotten around the whole building by the next morning. I thought that firing would make sure the other employees would perhaps maintain a distance from me. I feel grateful when space is made for me in the elevator the morning after the incident. Everyone stands in silence, but an uneasy feeling begins growing inside me. I can hear some whispering as we reach the second floor. I can't hear what is being said, but I do hear my name once or twice.

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