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"I'm not blaming you. Clearly, your staff is unable to handle their tasks."

I get to my feet and am about to walk out when Rachel sticks out her foot. However, Norman has pulled this trick plenty of times when we were kids. I slowly turn to face her, my voice cold. "Did you just try to trip me?"

She immediately yanks back her foot, but the Director has already seen it, and her face turns red with anger. "Rachel, what is the meaning of this?"

As Rachel stammers, trying to dig herself out of this hole, I walk out. I'm about to take the stairs when I see the notice that they're being mopped. Groaning, I wait by the elevator.

A few minutes later, I hear the sounds of heels clacking against the floor and then Rachel rounds the corner.

"You bitch!"

"I'm sorry," my voice is hard, "are you talking to me?"

"You just don't learn, do you?" Rachel gets in my face. "We don't want you here! We don't want to work with tramps like you."

"This is starting to get old." I roll my eyes, turning to face her. "That coffee incident from this morning was your idea?"

"So what if it was?" she sneers at me. "You think you can start getting rid of us one by one and we'll just get scared of you? I'm not done with you yet."

"Is that a threat, Rachel?" I ask her seriously. "Because, unlike you, I believe in handling issues like this through the proper channels."

"What?" She laughs in my face. "You'll tell Maureen from HR? She hates your guts too."

I study her and then take a step toward her, my voice steady. "It may be all fun and games when you bully me, but make no mistake, I won't take this crap lying down. If you want to play dirty, I can go five steps below you. You're not the only one who can resort to such methods."

Rachel narrows her eyes at me. "What're you going to do? Complain to Mr. Moore about me like you did about Director Wheeler?"

"I didn't have to say a word." I raise my brow. "She came and admitted what she did in front of him, so she was fired. But keep pulling stunts like the one you did today, and I'll make your life equally miserable."

"Who do you think you are?" Rachel hisses. "By the time I'm done with you––"

"I don't have time for this." I roll my eyes once again. "I think I'll just take the stairs."

I move past her only to feel her press something against my head. I quickly whip around, my hand reaching for my hair.

She's sneering at me. "Good looks don't last forever, bitch."

She walks away from me, leaving me running my hands in my hair. I feel the sticky gum and my eyes widen. Rushing to the bathroom, I turn around to check the damage and realize she's stuck the gum just around where my nape ends.

I press my lips together furiously.

Are all the women here so freaking childish?

I try to take it out, but somehow it just ends up getting worse. Finally putting my hair up to hide the pin gum, I make my way up to the office using the stairs. I don't know the first thing about taking gum out of my hair. I'll have to figure out a way because the mess I've made is beyond redemption.

The working day is over when I get back to my office, and I run into Adam who's waiting for me.

"You went to hand over the file yourself?" Adam frowns.

"Yeah," I mutter. "Shouldn't have gone."

"What's wrong with your hair?"

“Accident.” I scowl.

“That doesn’t seem like an accident.” He looks unhappy. Approaching me, he sniffs my hair, and his eyes darken. “I know that scent.”

When Adam doesn't say anything further, I glance at him and go still. His eyes are no longer human.
