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"Sorry?" I blink rapidly. "I was answering an email and not paying attention. Did you ask me something?"

"I was asking if these two should go to the Pack Gala on Saturday together?" Watson repeats. "Adam has always gone without a plus one. This year, now that Tina is here, they should go together. Don't you agree?"

I can feel Adam's eyes on me, and a small bitter part of me wonders if he finds this amusing, whether he's laughing at how humiliated I feel.

"Absolutely." I force myself to smile at Tina. "Besides, I've heard nothing but good things about the Pack Gala. It's a wonderful place to network."

"That is true," Tina murmurs, watching me, her expression thoughtful.

"You should go."

"It's decided, then!" Watson declares. "You two will go together. Miss Rose, book a restaurant for these two lovebirds for tonight. They have a lot to catch up on."

"Of course." I begin looking up local restaurants, each movement stiff.

It's like the agony is physical at this point. I want to throw up.

My wolf has gone quiet inside me. I can feel its hurt, which is worse than the betrayal it feels. I try to soothe it, but it doesn't work.

This is for the best.

It is.

"Cynthia, can I see you in my office afterward?" Adam suddenly asks.

"I'll join you." Tina wraps her arm around his and leans her cheek on his shoulder.

"It's about a project," Adam tries to say. "You'll be bored."

"Oh, please." She waves off his half-hearted attempt at an excuse. "I studied business, Adam. I'm not some airhead you need to worry about boring."

"I've made reservations at the Blue Lounge for you and Miss Tremblay." I look up, meeting Adam's eyes, evenly. "If you need any information on one of the projects, I'll email them to you."

Adam looks frustrated, and his eyes narrow as I get to my feet. "Where are you going?"

"Home," I reply woodenly. "It's six."

"You're coming to the gala as well, right Cynthia?" Tina asks, doing everything but crawling into Adam's lap.

"There's nothing for me there."

"Nonsense," Watson interjects. "Adam's assistants always go. Your invite must be with Gerald. Tell him to give it to you. It's a fancy event, so make sure you wear a dress and not a business suit."

I give him a wondering look. Is he trying to rub his daughter and Adam's relationship in my face?

He has been casting me smug looks, so perhaps.

"Alright." I keep my voice, steady. "Excuse me. Good night."

I don't know how I manage to hold onto my belongings or walk all the way to the staircase. I stumble down the steps, and when I exit the building, the car is waiting for me. With trembling legs, I get into the car and then close my eyes.

Leaning my head against the seat, I feel the tears come, and nothing I do seems to stop them. There is so much anguish in my heart that I can't seem to find a plug for it.

"Cynthia," Tony begins, his voice distressed.

I wave my hand at him, pressing my other fist against my mouth to keep in the sobs. But they come out louder and more painful than the previous ones. I've always tried never to cry infront of anyone, but this time, the pain is different. It's like I'm shattering into pieces and I can't seem to gather the pieces.

Tony finally has enough, and he pulls the car to a stop in an empty parking lot and gets into the backseat. I try to push him away, but he just holds me tighter. I give up after a few seconds, letting him gather me in his arms. Instead, I wail like a broken child. Tony just lets me cry.
