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"Do you have another way to get your hands on that phone?" I shoot him a sharp look. "After what happened to Norman, Jonathon's going to call me to him, and that's when I'll be able to––"

"No," Adam snarls. "That's final."

"You don't get to tell me what to do, Adam!" I get to my feet, furious. "This is the only way. And what do you care about what happens to me? You've got Tina, remember?"

He pales, and I smile, baring my teeth at him. "See? Not even a hint of a denial."

Robert lets out an awkward whistle. "This seems like a private conversation. I'll wait outside for Harry to bring the clothes."

I don't stop him from leaving, and neither does Adam.

"If it bothers you so much," Adam retorts, "why were you tripping all over yourself to book us romantic dates and buy her gifts from me? Why didn't you say something?"

"Why should I say something?" I shoot back. "You were the one making false promises to me. If you already had someone in your life, what was the need to try and convince me to be with you? Even if you knew I was your fated mate, you clearly love Tina. Once you mate her, it will be like I never existed."

"You don't know what you're talking about," Adam says, looking pissed off.

"Oh, I don't?" I scoff. "Let's be real here, Adam. You saw me as an opportunity to use me against your father, just like he was doing. You thought that poor battered Cynthia. Nobody loves her. She's all alone. I'll show her a little affection and she'll spill all of my father's secrets."

"I have never––"

"It's okay." The anger fades away almost as soon as it rears its head, and I look at the man standing before me. My heart feels worn out now. "It's okay. I get it."

I run my hands over my face, sinking back onto the bed.

"You want to become Alpha. You're ambitious."

"You're wrong, Cynthia."

But I know I'm not.

"I may be naive in a lot of things, Adam," I look at him, my ankle throbbing and my heart aching with each beat, "but I understand ambition and greed. Things just worked out in your favor. How could you not use me? And you're a perfectionist. You expect me to believe you would be happy with somebody like me by your side when Tina exists? And she does suit you better. I wasn't lying about that. So, I'll help you. I'll get the phone. You get to become Alpha. In return, there's only one thing I want."

Adam is silent, and I give him a bitter smile. "My freedom."

I just want to be free now.



My freedom.

I stare at the file before me, my thoughts jumbled. I've been unable to work ever since I heard these words. Freedom. What freedom does she want? Does she want freedom from me?

It's been a week since the Gala. There has been radio silence from my father and Norman. I heard that Norman is recovering from his injuries. I can't touch him right now, but the men who were with him, the ones he calls his friends, they're all fair game. They thought they could put their hands on Cynthia? On my woman? I wonder how they like their crippled hands now.

Since I'm the Alpha heir, I cannot go after them physically. In the current situation, I need to maintain my reputation. But there are other ways to go after these people, and I used those methods.

It took me one week to bankrupt their companies. Maril Foods is the only company I own and run, however I have invested in the majority of the pack-owned businesses. All I had to do was show up at the board meetings and withdraw my investment, leaving them scrambling. It helps that Norman has only ever befriended rich like-minded fools like himself.

But that's not the problem right now.

Watson is like a dog with a bone.

I know he's pushing me and Tina together, and while Tina thinks it's funny and plays along, it's hurting my relationship with Cynthia. Before Cynthia came along, I had talked to Tina about possibly getting married. She was a good choice for a mate. Since Tina had no one in her life either, she had found the idea appealing, but there has never been more than friendship between us. Cynthia has changed things.

"You're playing a dangerous game, my friend." Robert walks into the room. "You keep this up and you'll lose Cynthia."
