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"Do you finally trust me?" Adam wraps his arms around me, his lips pressing against my neck. "Or do you need more answers?"

"What about us then?" I ask, trying to ignore the way my skin is tingling at his touch. "You're my fated mate. What's going to happen with us?"

"We have all the time in the world, Cynthia," Adam smiles against my neck as he nips it. "How about we worry about breakfast first?"


Adam is being attentive toward me, and while I enjoy it and I do buy into his reasoning, there is something still bothering me. He hasn't asked who hurt me. He's not brought up Jonathon or Norman even though I've tried to discuss them with him. I'm worried about what Jonathon will do. He obviously knows that Adam has me stashed somewhere. And he knows that I was the one who spilled the beans on Norman. The timing of my escape and the news being leaked are pretty obvious. I'm worried about him barging into the apartment and dragging me out. It gives me nightmares. I have dreams about giving birth and Jonathon sneering at me and walking away with my child.

A few days pass, and I'm getting more strung up by the day. I can't leave the apartment for fear of Jonathon catching me. However, Adam has been leaving daily, and Robert stays to keepme company or keep an eye on me. At this point, I don't really know. My wolf is bathing in Adam's love and attention, but my brain is not on the same page yet. Adam seems to be deliberately avoiding any of the topics that impact me, and Robert is doing pretty much the same thing. I can't talk to Tony because Adam doesn't trust Tony. I have no source of information about the pack's political state right now, and it is bothering me. At this point, I'm pretty much unemployed. I found out the hard way when a man called Adam two nights ago and I was informed he was Adam's new assistant.

On one hand, Adam is doing everything possible to build our relationship, but on the other hand, he's keeping things from me and acting all secretive. To be fair, I'm also keeping secrets from him, but my secrets are those that I either cannot share, or I have something to protect. In the meantime, I'm also coming up with a contingency plan. I need to come up with a way to stop my heart for a couple of minutes and then revive myself.

The only thing I know that is dangerous enough to a wolf shifter is wolfsbane. I've done some research on it. I won't be able to get my hands on it, but I know Tony can. In liquid form, wolfsbane can be lethal, but it suspends one in limbo between life and death for twenty minutes. I need a couple of those minutes. The cure to wolfsbane is a small plant that is locally sourced. Like with wolfsbane, it too can be reduced to liquid form and is just as potent of an antidote. I sent a message to Maya to ask Tony to prepare these and keep them on him at all times. I'm done taking any chances. I want to tell Adam the truth about the blood debt and get assurance from him that he will free me.

It takes me a lot of planning to get Robert out of the apartment that coming Friday. As soon as he leaves to pick up some ribsfrom across the street, I slip outside into the back alley of the apartment complex. Maya is waiting for me with a package.

She opens her arms to hug me, and I shake my head. "Can't risk it. They'll smell you on me."

"What's going on, Cynthia?" Maya looks distressed. "Why are we meeting in back alleys, and why are you acting so secretive?"

"It's complicated." I sigh. "Did you bring the things?"

She hands me a small bag. "Tony said everything you need is in here. He also put in a burner phone in case you need to get in touch with him. He says his phone is being monitored, so don't use your phone to call him."

I check the contents of the bag and I lean against the alley wall, feeling relief. Down to that last time I called Tony to help me escape, I wasn't entirely sure he wouldn't betray me. But the fact that he's willing to take such risks to help me finally puts to bed the last lingering doubt I had.

"Thank you." I smile at her.

"Cynthia," Maya stops me from leaving, her voice concerned, "if something's wrong, you can depend on me. You're very important to both me and Tony. Night or day, you can call me."

I nod, feeling overwhelmed by emotion. "I wish I could talk to you, but I don't have any time. But I might need your help soon. I don't know when, but I have a feeling I will need your help."

She reaches into her pocket. "This is my address. I wrote it down for you in case something happens and you need a place to go."

I take the paper, tucking it inside the bag. "Can you tell me what's going on with the whole alpha heir situation right now?"

She shakes her head. "Norman Moore is a social outcast in the pack right now, but his father is trying to spin this whole situation as a misunderstanding. Also, Adam Moore and Tina Tremblay's engagement was announced––"

I go still. "What? What did you say?"

"Your boss' engagement was announced," Maya tells me, blinking.

My stomach turns. "When?"

"Two days ago."

I stare at her, trying to process this information. "Are you sure you didn't hear wrong?"

"I have the copy of the Weekly Gazette." She reaches into her bag and brings it out. I quickly flip over to the announcements page, and for a moment, I forget how to breathe.

"Cynthia?" Tina's voice is alarmed. "What's wrong?"

I shake my head, mutely trying to gather myself.

"Nothing," I finally manage. "Can I keep this page?"

"Sure." Maya nods, still looking worried.
