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Marrying one and mating one? He can’t mean…

"There is no other solution!" Adam sounds frustrated. "I have to become the Alpha now no matter the cost! I cannot let Cynthia's blood debt fall into Norman's hands!"

My hand slaps over my mouth in an effort to stifle my gasp.

He knew? He knew about my blood debt this whole time?

"And what's your grand plan here?" Robert sounds exasperated. "Marry Tina and then what? You think Cynthia is going to stay with you if you're a married man? The woman may be broken, but she has her pride!"

Adam is silent and then he speaks, his voice tense, "There are ways to keep her by my side whether she likes it or not."

My blood runs cold.



I feel all the strength drain from me. I know what he's talking about. There's no mistaking it. If he has to, he'll use the blood debt to keep me tied to him. He may not beat me and torture me as his father did, but he'll strip me of my choice. I stumble back, the urge to throw up overwhelming.

"Do you even know what you're saying?" Robert sounds pissed.

"Do you have a better idea?" Adam snaps back. "Watson won't support me if I don't marry Tina. If I don't become Alpha, then the ownership of Cynthia's blood debt will be given over to Norman. There is no winning here for anybody! And besides, with Tina by my side, I have a better chance of making all these changes in the pack."

I don't want to hear anymore.

With my hand on my flat belly, I rush back to the bedroom. My blood is pounding as waves of anger and betrayal wash over me. This isn't about choosing Tina over me. He wants Tina to stand by him before the pack while I remain his dirty little secret. And our child? My hand curls into a fist on my stomach.

He doesn't plan to free me. He plans to simply take my leash, take over my ownership.

This time the pain is a vicious ball inside me, suffocating me.

I reach for the bag I hid under the bed and bring out the black phone. It's already got a sim within it, and I shoot off a message to Tony. I get a response within a minute. I don't hesitate now. The time for hesitating and planning is over. The one person I was beginning to trust over all others has just stabbed me in the back. Now is the time for action.

Grabbing the bag and my shoes in one hand, I hurry across the living room. I open the front door as softly as possible and then leave it ajar, knowing it makes a definitive clicking sound when it shuts. I don't bother with the elevator, just using the emergency exit stairs. I've just exited the building when a hand grabs me.

I let out a startled cry only to hear a voice say, "It's me, Miss Rose."

I come face to face with Watson.

He doesn't look very happy. “I had a feeling I would be seeing you around here.”

"Let go of my hand," I say tightly.

He does so, tucking his own in his pockets. His voice is thin as he says, "When I convinced Adam to hire a new male assistant, I didn't think he'd move you into his apartment."

"Don't worry," I snap. "I was just leaving."

"Actually," Watson gestures, "why don't I give you a ride to wherever it is you are going?" He looks pointedly at the shoes in my hand. "I can drop you off. I've been wanting to talk to you as well."

I look up and down the empty street. Watson might be an elder, but he's going to be physically stronger than me. He couldalways force me into this car if I don’t agree. And a car ride would be quicker.

"Very well. I need to get to Florentia Street."

There's a black car parked just a few feet away, and he opens the backseat door for me. "Of course. On the way, let's talk."

There's a stoic-faced man in the driver's seat, and I feel a hint of dread. I want to text Tony to let him know what's happening, but I don't want Watson to see my phone in case he decides to throw it out. I don't know how 'civil' this conversation is going to be.

As he begins driving, Watson glances at me. "How long have you and Adam been involved?"
