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"Good, I packed you a lot of cookies today to share. I want you to play and make at least two friends before you come home. And then you're going to tell me all about that, okay?"

"Okay." My child sighs as if I've just placed the weight of the world on her tiny little shoulders.

"Good." I pinch her cheek. "Now finish breakfast while I go get dressed."

For a few minutes, I linger by the doorway of the kitchen, watching the little girl that came from me enjoy her pancakes.

I never thought that this day would come when I would breathe the air as a free woman. My pregnancy was hard, but when I decided to move to Detroit, Tony and Maya decided to move as well. Ever since they got married and mated, I've never seen a happier couple. They helped me throughout my pregnancy, and it was Tony who let me stay in this apartment. According to him, this place belonged to his cousin who lived in England and had no intentions of coming back. I was allowed to do whatever I liked with the place as long as I kept it maintained. It wasn't the worst deal, and in these past four years, this large flat has become a home. I also ended up finding a job a week after I arrived.

I'm the head of marketing in a local firm. The pay is excellent, as are the benefits. Watson's parting gift came in handy. He didn't change my name too much. He simply changed the last name. I am no longer Cynthia Rose. Now, my colleagues know me as Cynthia Morrighan. It's a weird surname, and one that took some getting used to.

After the first year, I stopped looking over my shoulder. Tony was careful not to share any news about the pack with me, and I knew that if Riya or I were ever in danger of being discovered, he would warn us. Even after four years, I still enjoy the small things in life. Taking a walk by myself in the park, sitting ina restaurant, buying clothes for myself, grocery shopping, these are all things that remind me I am a free woman now, that my child is free.

Sometimes I miss Adam. Sometimes I wonder what kind of father he would have turned out to be. I can imagine him doting on Riya, carrying her on his shoulders. But the fondness in my heart turns hard and bitter when I remember what he had been planning to do to me.

I get dressed and gather Riya's things. As I head to the door, I call out, "Come on, Riya. Let's go."

Waiting for her, I study myself in the mirror.

My silver hair now reaches my mid back and is styled properly. I'm wearing a sensible blue dress that reaches my knees and covers my arms. I prefer dressing modestly. I don't like male attention. In all these years, I've never once wanted another. I sometimes wonder if Adam and Tina ever got married. However, the thought still hurts me, so I try not to focus too much on it.

"Mommy, let's go!" Riya runs forward, nearly tripping on her own feet.

I catch her just in time, swinging her into my arms. "My little klutz."

I plant a kiss on the tip of her nose. "I wish you had my silver hair."


"I dunno." I carry her out the door and to the building's parking lot outside. "Because we would look like twins?"

"Mommy, you're so silly!" Riya laughs, clapping her hands on my cheeks.

I grin. "Am I now?"

Learning how to drive a car had also been an empowering decision. The moment I mentioned considering learning how to drive to one of my colleagues I learned that the company paid for our driving lessons. It was a weird benefit to have, but one I didn't want to pass up. I also ended up receiving a company car after I passed my driving test.

Working for Dalton Tech has been life-changing for me. I was certain I would struggle on my own, but joining this company has been nothing short of a godsend.

Dropping Riya off at the preschool, I watch her pause at the entrance and look over her shoulder to shoot me a doubtful look before heading inside. I shake my head in amusement. I really need to tell Tony to ease up her his tutoring lessons. Riya calls him Uncle Tony, but he acts like she's his granddaughter. I've never seen Tony express as much emotion as he did when he first held Riya. He sobbed like a baby.

He and Maya live ten minutes away from me, but Tony is always dropping by to pick her up and take her out. Since Maya decided to get a degree in law and Tony started up his own home security company, he likes to spend time with my daughter when his mate is not home. He enjoys tutoring her and has done a fine job of inflating her head with ego.

If someone kept telling me every day that I am the best of the best, even I would grow into an egomaniac.

My fingers tap on the steering wheel as the music plays on the radio. With Maya expecting as well he's going to have his hands full soon. I pull into the parking lot of the office and head inside. A smiling man is waiting by my office and I beam, "Kofo. You're early again."

Kofo is a recent graduate from a well-reputed company, and his work ethic is impeccable. That's why I hired him on the spot. While his resume was lacking the experience the other candidates had, his interview impressed me. He has the potential to climb much higher up in the company, but for now, he's my assistant.

"Good morning, Director Morrighan. I got you a coffee."

I blink at the gesture. "Thanks, but I told you that you don't need to get me my morning coffee."

"It's a thank you for recommending me for the internship in the analytics department." He looks pleased.

I enter my office, and he trails after me.

"So you got it?"

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