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I nod. “I won’t stop. Even if you leave now and tell me it’s over, I know it’s not. It’s not over for you, and it’s not for me either.”

He stares at me. At least I think he’s staring. He’s gone very still. “I can’t contend with that, Tamsin. I’m far too weak around you as it is. How am I supposed to fight it when you’re all I want?”

I slap his chest playfully. “You’re not.”

He sighs. “Then I’m sorry, for all of it. For making you chase me. I’ve wasted months, haven’t I?”

“Yes.” I try to look stern, but I’m sure I’m grinning.

“Tell me how I can make it up to you.” He strokes my cheek.

“Have you got five hundred years?”

He grins. “With you? I hope so.”



“Can you just bite me already?” Tamsin is all over me in the car on the way from her flat to my mansion.

It’s all I can do to keep myself from giving into her right here and now.

She climbs into my lap and kisses me so passionately she’s at risk of dislodging my glasses. I don’t have the heart to stop her.

I’m too caught up in the aching desperation of the moment.

To have her completely without reservation and without fear? Something I’ve only dreamed of. Now that I’ve made my peace with the decision, I can’t wait.

Rocking her hips, she grinds over my throbbing cocks.

I grasp her hair and gently tug her head back. “Do I need to tame you, flower, or can you stop driving us both crazy?”

The sight of her kiss-stung lips and her full chest heaving has my fangs dripping.

“I’m sorry. I’ve just missed you.”

I bring her back for another drugging kiss. Finally I pull away again. “I missed you, too, flower. I’m sorry.”

When we finally make it into the house, she heads for the guest suite and I stop her. “Not there. Not anymore. From now on you have the whole house and grounds. And you sleep with me.”

She gives me a coy little smile when I lead her down a long hallway and into the enormous master bedroom. Instantly, I wonder if I’ve made a mistake. The room is spartan. The low bed and bedside table are the only furnishing in the room except mysunbed. “Perhaps you’d be more comfortable in the guest suite after all.”

Tamsin sits on the bed and kicks off her shoes. “Nonsense. I like that you invited me into your space. Though maybe we can swap the mattress.” She pats the spot beside her. “This might as well be made of wood.”

I chuckle ruefully. I hadn’t considered how her soft, female body might need more accommodating bedding. “I’m sorry, flower. I’ll order a new bed tomorrow. In fact we can redecorate. However you like.”

Her cheeks color and she shakes her head. “You spoil me.”

I slide closer, already shedding my shirt, and cup her cheek. “Not nearly as much as you deserve.”

She sighs. “So how does this work? The mating bite? Will it work instantly?”

I push her back onto the bed and slide between her thighs, bracing myself over her. “I don’t know. We’ll have to find out. But I can think of a few things to distract you with until we’re sure it’s safe.”

She moans, wrapping her legs around my tail and trying to draw me down on top of her.

I resist for now. “Undress, flower. I want to look at you properly.”
