Page 11 of Shadows of the Past

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“You son of a bitch,” the other shifter said, shaking his head in disbelief. “Even through the cold, I could trace the stench of your blood.”

“Bet you thought I was a goner, huh, Mason,” Derek replied.

They almost bounced off of each other as their muscular frames met in an embrace. Mason was his beta, a man he trusted more than anyone in the world. Each of them wouldn’t hesitate to take a silver bullet for the other.

“So,” Mason said, pulling back. “Two questions. Whose house have you wound up in? And can I come inside?”

Derek stepped out of the way and gestured for his beta to enter. In a gentlemanly fashion, Mason wiped his boots on the doormat before stepping inside. Derek closed the door quietly, not wanting to wake up Iris with a bang.

“The place belongs to a woman by the name of Iris. We met yesterday.”

“I didn’t realize you two were so friendly already,” he commented, pointing out the fact Derek was shirtless.

“I wish.” The alpha threw on a shirt Iris had scrounged up for him, one of the only spares available that would fit his much larger frame. “She’s a healer. Because of her, I’m back in working condition.”

“Maybe you should pay her back with a date,” said Mason, taking a seat at the island counter.

“A date? She’s far more than eye candy, my friend. Would you believe it if I told you we share a mating bond?”

“No way,” he retorted, growing wide-eyed. “You mean to tell me that after you were nearly stabbed to death, you stumbled upon your fated mate?”

“I couldn’t believe it either,” Derek said, setting out a second cup of coffee for his beta. “We discovered it when she used her healing magic on me.”

“It’s destiny,” remarked Mason. “But you said nothing happened between the two of you? How come?”

“Well, she didn’t take to the revelation as enthusiastically as I did.”

“But she doesn’t mind you inviting guests inside?”

“You’re my beta, Mason. I can take you anywhere I damn well please. I’ll deal with her when she wakes from her rest.”

“I’m expecting trouble,” he said with a sly smile.

“You know I’ve always had a thing for feisty women, and Iris is one headstrong girl, I can tell you that much.”

“Your type is probably the reason why you keep landing yourself in trouble,” joked Mason. “But either way, I look forward to meeting her.”

They continued chatting as Derek cooked scrambled eggs and bacon with plenty of sausage on the side. He set aside a portion for Iris and joined his friend for their meal.

“We have a healer for the pack already.”

“There’s always room for more help,” said the alpha.

“Do you think she’ll join us?”

“I’m hoping she’ll come around to the idea today. She can’t deny the reality of our bond, and secondly, she knows it’s not good for a shifter to live alone in dangerous times like these.”

“You mean Cyrus,” groaned the beta.

“Of course,” said Derek, shaking his head as he sighed. “What a douchebag he turned out to be. You know, I really thought he would take his loss graciously, as most former alphas typically do … But he’s a different breed altogether, Mason.”

“Perhaps he got too comfortable being at the top of the mountain for so long that he doesn't know how to settle for anything less.”

“Bastard,” he hissed. “I even had the decency to offer him a place in our group. He made the choice to retaliate and start acting like a murderous fool.”

“He’ll get what’s coming to him.”

“Deservedly so. I just hope we take him out sooner rather than later.”
