Page 20 of Shadows of the Past

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She took a slow breath before forcing herself to meet Derek's eyes again. She focused on their calm ocean-blue depths, reminding herself that she was safe here.

"Life in my old pack was very strict and often cruel," she made herself continue. "As a healer's apprentice, I saw firsthand the damage inflicted by an alpha who only knew how to rule through intimidation and fear …"

The words poured out of her then, depicting the frequent vicious beatings for any perceived slight, the young who were lost to excessive punishments, and the culture of callousness that punished kindness as weakness. How she had eventually stopped fully healing most wolves, becoming complicit in her alpha's cruelty just to survive. She even told him about the nightmares that still plagued her of those she should have saved.

Through it all, Derek listened with focused patience, anger flickering in his eyes but never directed at her. She sensed his rage at such needless viciousness, but it was tamped down, controlled. This was her time to unload her burdens, and he gave her the space to do so.

"I am in awe of the inner strength it must have taken to endure what you did," Derek said, his eyes radiating deep respect. "Yet you preserved your compassion and courage even when immersed in such toxicity and fear."

He lifted her hand, brushing a featherlight kiss to her knuckles that sent a shiver through her. "I could not be more proud to call you my mate, Iris. Never doubt that."

Iris ducked her head as an unexpected flush warmed her cheeks. She wasn't accustomed to such open praise and admiration. "I'm still struggling to believe I deserve this second chance," she admitted, eyes downcast. "That I can really learn to lead as your equal or be the pack member everyone seems to already think I am …"

She jumped slightly when Derek gently tipped her chin back up to meet his steadfast gaze.

"You are one of the strongest wolves I've ever met," he insisted. "Fate gifted me a fighter as my mate. One who will help me fiercely protect those in our charge." His voice resonated with quiet conviction. “You survived hell itself with compassion still intact. That makes you the fiercest wolf I know, and thereis no doubt in my mind or heart that you are exactly where you belong."

Iris searched his face, letting his unflinching belief sink into her battered soul. The ever-present knot of tension in her chest finally loosened and fell away. "To new beginnings and the remarkable wolf at my side. We stand together."

She searched Derek's face, moved by his simple sincerity. "Just being around your pack, especially the little ones, has brought me more peace than expected,” she admitted. Derek smiled at that, pride glinting in his eyes.

Iris felt herself melt into Derek's steady embrace, his fingers tracing delicate patterns down her spine. She nuzzled against his throat, breathing in his woodsy scent as the tender moment stretched.

Finally safe. Finally home.

"Auntie Iris! Auntie Iris!"The patter of small feet and joyful cries broke the quiet intimacy. Before she could react, Emma, Lucas, and three other young pups burst into the room and mobbed her legs, bouncing with infectious excitement.

"You promised storytime and snuggles!" Emma exclaimed, blinking hugely innocent eyes up at Iris. She dissolved into giggles when Derek pretended to pout.

“My dear children, you know it is far past your bedtime,” she lectured, joy smiling in her eyes.

“But you promised!” Emma whined.

“You already had your stories, sweet ones. You can’t expect another.”

“But, but Timmy was already asleep, and you promised a story for all of us,” one of the others, near tears, said.

“Is that so, Timmy?”

Timmy sleepily nodded to, in fact, confirm the dire situation.

“Well, there isn’t really much else that can be done other than another story.”

"I see how it is … Auntie Iris is clearly the favorite now," he lamented dramatically, eliciting another chorus of laughter from the children. Iris shrugged apologetically even as her heart swelled at their easy, loving acceptance.

"Sorry, royal summons. I’m sure you understand." She laughed, dropping a conciliatory kiss on his cheek before allowing herself to be enthusiastically tugged toward the nursery by her merry entourage.

“One's royal duty always comes first.” He smiled.

The pang of losing their intimate moment fled swiftly, replaced by joyful chaos as she fulfilled storytime promises amid a pile of happy faces. Emma and Lucas vied for her lap as she opened a picture book while the others sprawled at her feet.

Surrounded by their bright smiles, warmed by the light in Derek's eyes when he quietly checked in on her, Iris finally accepted she wasn't simply wanted here. She was needed, respected, and loved. She was an integral thread in this remarkable tapestry of a pack she now called home.



In the quiet intimacy of their private suite, Iris realized that her place in the pack went beyond necessity … it was about belonging, and Derek was determined to ensure she felt it. After only a week, she sat in his room, relishing their stolen time together.
