Page 26 of Shadows of the Past

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Derek and Iris finished the last bites of dinner and pushed their plates back. This time, Iris helped him cook. She enjoyed being near him and had even more fun flirting and playing with him.

While they ate, Derek filled her ears with happy childhood memories. Growing up in the pack wasn't always easy, but it provided him with a happy, stable life.

Derek leaned back in his chair. His tone softened as he spoke of his past, reminiscing about the pack's large, warm kitchen and hearty meals. He could almost smell the memory of the garlic and herbs filling the air as he described hunting trips with his father, their laughter echoing through the trees as they gathered around a freshly killed deer.

"We'd roast it over an open flame right there in the woods," he said, snapping his fingers. "The juices would drip down onto the hot coals, and the smell … Oh, man." He closed his eyes for a moment, his lips curling into a smile at the memory. "It was like nothing else."

Derek was filled with nostalgia as he spoke of his pack life, and he saw the way Iris’s eyes twinkled as she listened intently. She watched with rapt attention as he described the warmthof the big kitchen fireplace that kept them all cozy during cold winter nights, the delicious aroma of baked potatoes and roasted venison filling the air.

His fingers drummed lightly on the table as he spoke of hunting trips into the forest, his voice dropping to a hushed tone. His inner wolf could practically smell the fresh air and earth, panting at the thought.

As he spoke of his young hunting trips, he noticed how Iris began leaning in closer. He continued talking, ramping up the tension of each story just to make her draw a little nearer.

He stopped suddenly, putting a hand on her cheek. He trailed his fingers down to cup her jawline before pulling back slowly, their breaths mingling as if they were two wolves sizing each other up in the wild.

As Derek's fingertips brushed against her cheek, he felt a warmth spread through his entire being. He held his breath for a moment, simply enjoying the sensation as their eyes locked in an intense gaze.

The scent of his skin mixed with hers, creating a unique essence that only they shared now. Her eyes sparkled as he leaned closer, parting his lips slightly to whisper softly into her ear.

"You know," he murmured huskily. "We could go upstairs."

He watched while her body trembled with anticipation. He felt the heat emanating from her body, and he wanted more.

The air around them felt electric with possibility as they rose slowly from their chairs and went up the stairs to their rooms. His strong arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her close. He felt every curve of her form as he pressed himself against her.

He leaned down and pressed his lips against hers, his mouth hot and demanding but also tender. His hands roamed over her body with ease, tracing patterns on her lower back before sliding lower to cup her ass possessively. As he pulled away from thekiss, Derek broke the spell just long enough to remove his shirt and toss it carelessly on a chair by the window.

Her skin was smooth and warm against his as they found themselves intertwined once more. The weight of his muscular chest pressed against her soft curves ignited a flame deep within him. His cock sprang to life at the feel of her.

She ran her fingers through his messy, dark strands, a soothing sensation that made the hair on the back of his neck prickle. His lips trailed down her neck, nipping softly at her sensitive skin as he pulled away for air. His lips returned to hers eagerly, their tongues dancing together in a sensual tango that left them both panting for more.

Iris moaned into the kiss. He responded by pressing himself closer to her as if trying to meld their bodies together forever.

He scooped her up and carried her toward the bedroom door, kicking it open with his foot. The room was bathed in moonlight filtering through the window, casting shadows across the walls that added to the passion between them.

He laid her on the bed gently, his lips never leaving hers as he undressed her slowly. He removed each article of clothing with care and precision, like unwrapping a present. Taking his time, he let his fingers skim over her smooth skin and enjoyed the sensations that filled him.

Derek's hand trailed down her back, tracing the outline of her spine as she moaned into the kiss. His other hand found its way to the lace of her bra and pulled it gently, freeing her breasts from their confines. He took one into his mouth, his teeth grazing over the sensitive skin as he sucked softly.

She gasped and arched her back. His cock hardened more at the sight of her practically begging for more. He moved to the other side, paying equal attention to both perfect mounds before cupping them together and taking one hardened nipple into his mouth. The sounds of him sucking and kissing filled the room.

The darkness around them intensified the experience as if they were two predators in the night discovering each other for the first time. His hands roamed down her body, slipping beneath her panties and teasingly brushing against her wet folds before dipping a finger inside her.

She moaned again, hips bucking toward him in response. His digit pushed deeper, filling her as he kneaded her ass cheeks with his other hand. The contrasting textures of rough skin against soft skin heightened every sensation tenfold.

He removed his fingers from her core, leaving a trail of wetness behind as he lowered himself between her legs. His warm breath fanned across her sensitive entrance before he gently parted her lips with his thumbs. His wolf urged him to hurry, to take her, to claim her now, and it took everything in him to use restraint.

Derek's lips pressed against her, kissing her inner thigh softly as he began to lick and nibble his way up to her core. Her taste was intoxicating, like a mix of sea salt and vanilla sweetness.

He moved slowly, taking in every inch of her scent and sound as he explored her body with his tongue. He had fantasized about this moment for so long, feeling her warmth on his lips as he brought her closer to the edge. He pressed his tongue against her gently, tasting the sweetness that coated her pussy, and groaned in pleasure.

He rose over her again, their eyes locked as he removed his boxers and revealed his hard member. It throbbed with anticipation, ready to claim what was his. He positioned himself at her entrance and aligned their hips before pushing inside slowly.

The tight heat engulfed him, making him let out a low growl of satisfaction mixed with pain. Inside, his wolf howled with pleasure. She was wet enough that it wasn't too uncomfortable but still tight enough to make him want more.
