Page 28 of Shadows of the Past

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"Ava!" Iris cried out with anguish and knelt next to the crumbled blonde wolf, blood matting her fur from clearlyvicious wounds. Somewhere behind her, she barely registered movement and knew that Derek had rushed after her.

Iris immediately examined Ava, her healer instincts taking over. When Derek stepped closer, anxious to help, Iris's head snapped up, eyes flashing a warning.

"Do not touch her," Iris insisted, focused on protecting her friend. Derek instantly raised both hands, posture non-threatening.

Iris straightened from where she braced Ava's limp body, spinning to address the assembled pack members crowding the foyer.

"You, fetch me water, towels, and the emergency medic kit from the hall closet," she directed the Beta wolf, Mason. Turning her piercing gaze to a shocked Elias, she continued. "You, get clean sheets and a fresh nightgown."

The shifters scrambled to obey without hesitation as she issued crisp requests, power and urgency radiating from her slight frame. Lastly, Iris speared Derek with her gaze. "Guard this door. No one unrelated enters."

"Iris, let me assist you," he implored gently. "But you are the healer here. Simply command me as needed."

Iris trembled, drawing a shaky breath before nodding. "We need Maria now!" she hollered.

Derek dispatched runners to summon the other healer. Iris directed him to carefully lift Ava onto a stretcher. As they transferred the broken wolf to a private healing room, Iris continued issuing orders to the others assisting.

Despite her flustered state, she couldn’t help but notice how everyone rushed to fulfill her directions without hesitation. No one questioned her experience or made her feel inferior or incompetent. She had to admit, however, that she felt relieved when Maria arrived to share the work.

In the quiet, suspenseful hour that followed, Derek supported Iris steadfastly through the grueling mending process. Occasionally, she would grip his wrist, drawing deeply from her Alpha's stabilizing strength when her own energy stores ran low.

Soon, they had Ava stabilized and back in her human form. Iris and Maria continued to work, pushing herself to exhaustion to mend the worst internal damage. Derek stayed close, a bulwark of steady strength ready for each barked order from his mate.

Iris finally slumped against him, closing her eyes. "It’ll be touch and go for a while, but the worst is over," she whispered.

Derek took up a sentry position outside. Inside, Iris efficiently stripped blood-soaked linens with help from Maria. Then Maria insisted that Iris rest while she continued the cleanup process.

Iris sank wearily beside the recovering Ava, who was still unconscious. Derek's unwavering support echoed in her mind, along with the pack's eager rush to aid her efforts. Perhaps she was truly meant to stand as Luna after all …

With that steadying realization, she focused on her dear friend, channeling vital energy between them to support the healing process in any way she could.



Derek kept vigil just outside the healing room, stone-faced as he monitored the hallway for disturbances. Inside, Iris had swiftly taken authoritative command with calm precision, directing helpers rushing to assist. He had stayed by her side for most of it, but he finally left her to rest with her friend while he supported her the only way he knew how.

He kept one ear trained on the room, hearing only tense, focused silence. Derek's inner wolf whined anxiously to be at Iris's side, but he understood her need to control this space. So he waited, shoulders knotted with banked fury at the cruelty that had battered gentle Ava so badly.

When Ava could tell them what happened, he was sure one name would be mentioned. And Cyrus would face dire retribution soon for daring to strike one under Iris's cherished protection.

Iris's voice filtered out from the room, clipped and steady as she directed Maria to prepare cleansing baths and additional vials of mending balms. Derek relaxed fractionally, listening to the pair swiftly confer and coordinate further recovery efforts. Ava was in the best possible hands now between her dearest friend and their pack's medical expert.

Silence soon returned, only occasionally broken by soft requests for instruments or analgesics. Eyes closed, Derek tipped his head back against the wall, just breathing and processing the swirling rage and relief. The immediate crisis appeared to stabilize within those healing walls thanks to Iris's quick action and skill, but the threats still lurked.

They were soon able to move Ava to her own bedroom while Iris continued to work herself to utter exhaustion, mending the worst internal injuries. Derek remained close by Iris's side, a stalwart pillar of strength and comfort ready to help.

The next hour crept by agonizingly slowly. But finally, Iris slumped back with a ragged sigh. "There’s nothing left to do but wait," his brave mate pronounced hoarsely.

Derek eased Iris into his steady embrace, eyes burning with pride and protectiveness. "Rest then, beloved. Ava will recover thanks to your devoted care." Iris merely hummed, lashes already fluttering closed in depleted relief.

With utmost care, Derek gathered his healer mate close and bore her upstairs to their haven. It was only mid-afternoon, but she was exhausted from her ordeal. Stretching Iris's slight form atop silken sheets, he allowed himself a moment to simply breathe and give thanks that this trial had spared them soul-deep anguish.

He would soon need to unleash vengeance on those who had dared violate their territory so cruelly. But for this quiet hour, watching Iris regain strength was enough.

Too soon, unfortunately, Derek jerked awake to Iris squirming in bed with soft, distressed cries. Instantly on alert, he helped her sit up. "Ava?" Iris rasped anxiously.

In moments, they were hastening back to the guest suite. To their collective shock, Ava was not only awake but sitting up in human form, tear tracks staining her wan cheeks. It was not a cry of physical pain but one of emotional trauma.
