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“Hi,” Iris said. “Sorry. You know I’d come to see you if I could …”

A mellow silence filled the conversation momentarily.

“I know,” Ava said. “I just miss you so much. I keep telling you it will be fine here.”

“That’s not what I’m worried about.”

Iris heard Derek rolling over on the couch in the other room, still snoring loudly.

“I know,” Ava admitted. “They’re really not like our old pack at all though.”

“Ava, for one second, please stop trying to sell me on joining the pack. I need to talk to you about something.”

Outside, the clouds dispersed among the twilight from the setting sun. Golden rays entered the room.

“Well, then talk, girl,” Ava said. “Don’t let me hold you back.”

Iris wasn’t sure where to begin.

“So, I was gathering herbs yesterday to sell in town,” Iris started.

“Oh! How’s that going, by the way?”

Not well.

“… and I’m walking back to my cabin, a basket full of ingredients in hand when I found this guy …”

“Oh! A new love interest, mayhaps?”

“No! He was stabbed and lying on my front porch, bleeding. A silver dagger was sticking out of his torso.”

Ava said nothing for a solid moment. Iris briefly considered that she might have hung up.

“You’re fucking with me,” Ava finally said. “And I don’t appreciate it.”

“I’m not,” Iris said. “I think he’s your new pack leader.”

Ava sighed.

“Well, I wish you were calling me with better news, but it does explain a lot,” she said. “Is he doing okay?”

“He’s resting in the living room. He’s had a hell of a time, though. He says he was ambushed.”

Ava cursed under her breath.

“I’m sorry,” Iris said. “What was that?”

“It’s just like Cyrus to do something like that. Fact is, I know I evangelize the new pack a lot, but things have gotten pretty dicey lately.”

“Oh, yeah?”

Iris heard the snoring stop from the other room and thought for a second Derek might have woken. She froze, but a few seconds later, the snoring resumed.

“A lot of packs around the area have been targeted by these rogue wolves,” Ava said. “It’s not just ours that has been affected. Although, I imagine they’ll come for more of us soon enough.”

“God, I’m sorry,” Iris replied. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. I’m really worried about you.”
