Page 58 of White Noise

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“Conny.” I kissed his lips. “Muffin.Baby.” I clung to him like a needy child. “I love that you’re mine.”

“So can I?”

“You’re so daft. All your stuff has already moved in here. You can’t leave me to babysit your laundry. I’m crap at reading laundry labels. I have to buy new shirts all the time because there’s always a red sock or something that turns everything pink. I’m with your mum on this one. I obviously needed a well-brought-up boyfriend. You’re going to have to get friendly with my washing machine. So you see? Please don’t ever leave.”

Or was I the daft one? Was I being delusional, thinking this could work. We were so wildly different. He lived in a dreamworld. I lived in a messed-up suburb of London. I had a whole life that he would never fit into.

Yet he did. He fit so effortlessly, and it made me emotional. Even though I’d probably would and turn his expensive designer clothes pink.

I whispered words into his skin. Words I had never told anyone before. It was reckless and crazy and far too soon, but he lapped up those words and said them back. We fit, and if we could just hang on to this feeling, maybe we could figure this out.

He told me I was stupid for even doubting myself. I laughed and kissed him again.

Then I fell asleep with his arms around me, his chest moving against my back.

And I wondered if fairy tales actually came true. Or if we were going to crash and burn.


I’dwantedtospendSunday in bed with Matt, figure out this sex thing. I’d kind of imagined rolling onto set on Monday morning, a virgin no more. But that was clearly a fantasy Cass Powell kind of thing, and Con Telford had no clue. Life didn’t work like that.

Instead, Matt and I were in his dad’s car, on our way to Matt’s parents’ house to have dinner.

Fuck my life.

I’d wanted to say no when he’d suggested it. I was nowhere ready for this. Neither was Matt, sitting in the front seat, his leg bouncing nervously as his dad cast weird glances at me in the rear-view mirror.

“So, you’re an actor?” he asked politely. I’d shaken his hand when he’d picked us up, but these were the first words he’d spoken.

Matt looked nothing like his dad—well, apart from some kind of murderous streak in his eyes.

“Dad, you’ve never watched TV in your life, so you wouldn’t know Con’s work anyway. He’s just a normal bloke, OK?”

I wasn’t. I was ready to crap myself, to be honest, nodding awkwardly in the back seat.

“So no movies? Just TV?” Matt’s dad continued.

“I’ve done quite a few movies, mostly small parts, you know? Playing the random person in the background. But I’ve mostly done work for TV, and I’ve got a run coming up on stage. Theatre work.”

I had no idea what I was saying, and this was not an interview.

“Documentaries? Audiobooks?” He clearly had no idea of who I was or my line of work.

“He’s won awards, Dad, but that doesn’t mean he needs an interrogation. I’m nervous enough as it is.”

Yeah, thanks for that, Matt. Now I was squirming.

“He’s never brought anyone home before, our Matt. We know he’s dated a bit, but you’re the first…boyfriend.”

Matt banged his head on the side window, groaning.

“I’m honoured.” I grinned. Then I met Matt’s dad’s eyes in the rear-view mirror and wiped my grin off my face. He was kind of terrifying.Thiswas terrifying. “I’ve done some really scary auditions, but I have to say, meeting Matt’s family beats them all.”

Gulp. What on earth did I say that for?

Matt twisted around in his seat belt and stretched his hand towards me. I reached out and grabbed it. Tried to breathe normally.

“It’ll be fine. We’re just having a barbecue. My mum’s a really good cook. My sister won’t be there. Just my little brother, I think. Is Ollie at home, Dad?”
