Page 57 of White Noise

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“You won’t. I’ll show you if you let me. You need to prep, though. It’s not quite as straightforward as just yanking a condom on and doing the deed.”

“You like it?”

“When it’s with someone you trust, it’s amazing. Real. It’s not for the faint-hearted, but it makes you feel closer to that other person than anything else in the world.”

“Would you…do it to me?”

“Yes. Absolutely. But baby?” I’d never called him that before. Or maybe I had? I’d wanted to, and now, with his mouth on mine while I helplessly humped into his hand, my chest against his, I didn’t hold back. His breathing was fast and erratic as I wrapped my hand around his dick.

“Fuck. We need lube.”

When we’d done this yesterday, I hadn’t dared step out of the moment in case he lost his nerve. He didn’t now, just lay there with his mouth open, watching me rummage in the bedside table. I found it and gave it a few pumps into my hand, then did the same with his.

“Now. Both of us. Together.”

I didn’t have to explain. He lined us up, his abs contracting as he got his hand around our dicks. I added my hand, and then…

Oh God. The sounds coming out of his mouth. I silenced him with sloppy kisses, but I couldn’t concentrate and wanted to watch. His hands. His face. Our dicks. His eyes closing as his lips tightened, deep lines forming on his forehead.

Fuck. He was amazing. Our hands now working together, his fingers tangled with mine in hard strokes, up and down, the lube creating that delicious slide as my mind started to tingle.

We were once again doing that messy hand job thing where I was about to fall off the bed and he was pushing pillows onto the floor and the headboard was banging against the wall and I was pretty sure the legs of the bed were about to collapse.

My poor neighbours.

Fuck the neighbours.

I was close. So bloody close.

I wanted him so badly. My body moved closer to his, trying to get under his skin. His cheek pressed against mine, his breath fanned over my face. Everything was turning white and fuzzy around the edges. Just the thought of pushing inside of him, hearing him gasp as he came…


My head was a jumbled mess of chaos. Skin against skin. Words. Noises masquerading as words.

“Faster. Fuck. Faster.” My breaths rasped as he once again drove me into madness.

The orgasm still caught me out, making me stiffen up and arch off the bed as I let my seed spill over my stomach with him leaning over me, the wetness from his mouth on my lips, nose tip to nose tip, his forehead against mine.

“Fuck,” he whispered.

“Yeah. We just did,” I whispered back, trying to get my body back under control. My leg spasmed as my foot got caught in the duvet.

“You’re right. You’re such a nerd.” He kicked out, rescuing my poor foot as the last of the duvet slipped off the bed.

“I know. And you like a bit of dick…just as much as the next person.”

“I don’t. I only likeyourdick,” he murmured into my mouth, then kissed me, long and deep.

“Can I spend the day with you tomorrow?” He sounded out of breath. I know I was and gulped down air. A faintyescame out of my mouth as he rolled on top of me and arranged his arms around my body, only letting go so he could retrieve the covers and pillows while I lay there like a muppet, exhausted, filthy, covered in his cum and mine, with a stupid smile on my face.

I love that he asked. That he took nothing for granted here. That he was always aware that he was in my space and grateful to be there.

My space. It would never ever be my space again. With his bags on the floor, his clothes once again flung on my sofa, his flowers wilting in the kitchen, the smell of him on my skin, his head resting on my shoulder as he relaxed into my arms, his hand adjusting the pillow under my neck…

He belonged here as much as I did.

“Can I stay?” he whispered.
