Page 61 of White Noise

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Matt’s dad took a seat next to me. I laughed as he handed me another glass of water.

“I’d offer you something stronger, but Matt says you don’t drink.”

“I do, but I kind of…prefer not to.”

“The rock ’n’ roll lifestyle.” Ollie nodded. “Have you been to rehab then? Done your wild and wacky years partying with the rich and famous?”

I didn’t know if I liked him or wanted to slap him. Not that I would, but Matt did. He whacked him over the head and told him to shut up.

“No rehab. Trust me, my life is so boring that they haven’t even written the unofficial autobiography on me. It would be, like, two pages. Connor was born and then he just worked.”

“Then he met Matt and lived happily ever after, which got boring, so he handed over all his money and fame to one Oliver Winston, who became the most famous actor ever.”

OK. It was official. Matt’s little brother was slightly unhinged.

“You want to be an actor?” I asked. Unexpectedly, I was enjoying myself.

“God, no. I want to be a rockstar. Play the guitar and dominate the music scene. Only one problem.”

“He doesn’t play the guitar.” Matt smirked. “And he’s too lazy to learn.”

“Yup. That’s me. So, my next plan for world domination is becoming an influencer. I’ll just live in my bed, study remotely and have as much sex as possible while raking in sponsorship deals.”

“See what I have to put up with?” Matt’s mum said. Matt’s dad laughed.

“I was exactly the same. At his age, I was backpacking around the world and smoking far too much…of that naughty stuff. And do you know where that got me?”

“No?” I wasn’t sure I wanted to know.

“It got me right here. Married to the prettiest flight attendant in the world. And then…yeah. Not sure what happened with the kids, but I’ll tell you one thing. I’m so bloody proud of them. Even the youngest, messiest one here. These kids are mine, and I’ll love them until the day I die. One day, you’ll have kids, and you’ll know exactly how I feel.”

“Despite us all being a bunch of losers,” Ollie said.


Matt laughed. “We haven’t lived unless we’ve gone backpacking and done drugs and been robbed at least once.”

“Life skills,” Matt’s dad said, laughing.

“In that case, I’m the biggest loser here.” I laughed too.

Oddly, none of them believed me.

I was dragged around the house for a tour after dinner, a younger Matt grinning from the photos on the walls.

“So you never even got kissed in this house?” I teased, hoping he’d let me. It was one thing being away from Matt all day, another being with him and not getting to kiss or touch him.

Dammit, I wanted to drag him into the toilet and see if I could get a sneaky hand job out of him. My dick wasn’t playing nice. Matt must’ve picked up on it, as he stared at me for a minute and then put his hand over my mouth.

“Don’t,” he whispered. “Don’t even think about it.”

“What?” I was as bad as Ollie, playing innocent when I was anything but. I’d heard it all now. Ollie had a boyfriendanda girlfriend, and they were all chill with that. There had been threesomes too.

Cass Powell had had threesomes. Too many hands and feet and legs, in my opinion, and I hadn’t even known which one Cass was supposed to be in love with. I doubted he’d ever been in love with anyone because the looks actor-me dished out didn’t match anything I felt with Matt. Threesomes, though. Nope. Complicated angles and stilted dialogue. I’d kneed the female actor in the thigh, and she’d put in a complaint about me being hopeless with the choreography.

Fuck. I was usually better with my moves, but today, it seemed I had none at all because while I had been lost in my thoughts, Matt had dragged me into Ollie’s room.

“This used to be my room. It’s not anymore, and ugh, it really does stink in here.”
