Page 64 of White Noise

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Then he moved, and fuck and hell and the devil and shit and all that. I think all those words came tumbling out of my mouth as he rose up and sat back down. I fisted the sheets, pretty sure my dick was screaming with joy, as he fell forward and kissed me.

So this was sex. Fuck-sex. With his mouth clamped on mine, my hands flew to his arse. Somehow, somehow my legs were arched up and my heels were digging into the bed, and my dick was…was doing things I had no idea how to do. My hips sang in exhaustion, and his arse was just…

We were having sex. Real sex. Him on top of me, my dick inside of him, and I couldn’t…

“I can’t…” I slobbered out as he suddenly made a noise that was so obvious even I could read it. There was wet stuff on my stomach, and he was all tensed up and I was…well, I was rather proud even thinking the word, but I was still fucking him. Me. Inside of him. And he was beautiful.Thiswas beautiful. This was my idea of…

He’d said he loved it because it made him feel close.

Close was nowhere near enough. I grabbed his sides and pulled him to me, held him as hard as I could as my hips made their last thrusts, in and out, as I moaned into his hair. He was right here with me, clawing at my arms as I started to lose my mind.

Everything went black. Totally black. I was in that state where I was barely conscious, caught between pleasure and pain as I shook my way through an orgasm. A real one. A sex-induced one.

My body spasmed into something I couldn’t control. More like a death knell. I didn’t know what was up. Nothing was down. The sky was black, and he was right there as my breath hitched with every attempt at getting oxygen back into my lungs.


He shook his head.

“I get it. I get what you were saying,” he whispered into my chest. “I don’t know how to make this last either, but I never…bloody ever…want to not have you in my life. I need you. Conny. Promise me we’ll at least try to do this.”

“I think we just did,” I whispered back. “I want to be this close to you. Always.” I wasn’t sure I was making sense, but somehow, I didn’t think it mattered.

My softening dick was sliding, and I almost yelped in disappointment, grabbing his arse and trying to stay inside of him. Just a little longer.

I never wanted this to end. Ever. I only wanted this. Him. Here. Where the sun was still shining, and our bed was a mess, and our clothes were all over the floor and the flowers in the bucket on the table had started to wilt.

Because if this was what my life was going to be like?

I’d take it. All of it.


Ineverthoughtwewould, but we did. And it was bloody horrible.

I came home from work to find that the bed was as I’d left it. Messy duvet half on the floor and pillows in all the wrong places. The sheets were empty and cold.

I could live with that.

But his bag was no longer on the floor and all his clothes were gone.

If that wasn’t cruel enough, that twatty suit was still hanging over the bathroom door and the scent of him was everywhere. The flowers in the bucket now smelled sour as I walked around in a complete panic.

I hadn’t heard from him all day. Nothing unusual there. Con wasn’t a communicator, and I hadn’t wanted to push, but he could have said something. Anything. Left a note.

I gave up on the silent screaming I’d had going on since I’d got in and instead roared into the fridge, where the idiotic pink gin sat smugly in its fancy bottle. I wanted to tip it all away, smash that stupid bottle to shards in the sink.

I didn’t. Because I had no idea what to do. The shock of it all was debilitating. Paralysing.

He could have gone to the gym.

But then he wouldn’t have taken all his clothes. There were no dirty underpants in the laundry basket, no shoes by the door.

It hurt my head more than I wanted to admit.

I’d known this was coming. I just hadn’t expected it so soon.

I couldn’t even think back to yesterday without cringing. Fuck. It had been too much, obviously. Meeting the family. Then I’d forced him to have sex. Or had I? I couldn’t make sense of the muddled memories in my head.
