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“Is he the one who stared at Brynn’s tits for hours?” Tatum asked, her eyebrows raised.

Rafael choked on a laugh.

Zander coughed, loudly.

Bash’s eyes narrowed at his mother.

I barely managed to bite back a grin.

Oh, her plan wasterrible. I loved it.

“I wasn’t watching him at the celebration, but he’s always polite, and friendly. He had nothing else to do over the holidays, so I invited him.”

“You could’ve booked him a hotel room,” Bash growled.

“It’s Thanksgiving, honey. Everything has been booked out for months.” She flashed him an apologetic smile. “The couch is open, if you prefer.”

His jaw clenched, and he headed up the stairs. His footsteps were a bit violent.

Zander coughed again. When I glanced over at him, I found his eyes watering, he was fighting back laughter so hard.

“Do you remember Anthony?” Tatum asked me, as we went upstairs with the guys.

“Yup. He definitely stared at my boobs a lot. He asked me if I wanted to hook up with him, but August nearly ripped his throat out,” I confirmed.

Above us, a door crashed open violently.

I kept my expression innocent, though something told me it was the door to my temporary room.

“Should we ask about that?” Miles checked.

“Probably not.” My voice was cheerful, and I was trying almost as hard as Zander not to laugh.

“Why does Bash hate Anthony?” Tatum looked at Rafael as we headed up the stairs.

“They got in a fight at Miles and Zander’s mating celebration.”

Well, I hadn’t known that bit.

“What kind of fight?” Miles knew as much about it as I did, apparently.

“A fist fight. Anthony’s right arm took three weeks to heal,” Rafe explained. For a supernatural, that was a long time. “He’s not in our business. Bash could’ve killed the guy without much effort.”

“What was Bash’s reasoning?” Tatum asked.

Rafael shrugged.

Zander coughed again.

“I’d guess it had something to do with the staring,” Miles said, studying me.

Bash stood at the doorway of the room that I assumed was mine, his arms folded and his gaze dark. “Gash here thinks he’s my newest brother,” I said calmly, giving him a friendly pat on the arm as I walked past.

He growled at me, but I ignored him.

Zander coughed again at my nickname.

“What has she done to him?” Tatum murmured to Miles.
