Page 30 of Savage

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"Here is fine," Magnus is firm, desperate for an answer.

The nurse hesitates for a moment, taking a deep breath before she delivers the news. "Rayna sustained several punches to the head, ribs, and stomach. Luckily, these injuries are not the most serious I've seen and she will make a full recovery. We're managing her pain now, but I don't see any reason why she can't be dismissed sometime in the morning. Would you like to come back and see her?"

Magnus nods eagerly, "Yes, please."

With a warm smile the nurse motions with her hand, "Perfect, please follow me."

Magnus rises and follows the nurse, disappearing behind a door.

Aesir lets out a heavy sigh and looks right at us. "You two should head back to the motel. No sense in you two staying up all night too."

I'm exhausted and want nothing more than to be in bed catching up on some sleep, but if Starla wants to be here I'm staying.

Turning to look at her, she's just as exhausted as I am, struggling to keep her eyes open. "Do you want to stay and wait, or head back?"

Starla licks her lips before looking at Aesir. "Are you going to be okay out here by yourself?"

He nods, "Without a doubt. It's just a waiting game until someone comes out and tells me somethin'. Go ahead and head back. I'll link up with you two sometime tomorrow."

We both reluctantly accept the out, say our good-byes to Aesir, and leave the emergency room.

The cool night air is a harsh reminder of how exhausted I am. It acts like a slap in the face, jolting me awake.

As we walk to the parking garage, the city lights sparkle like the stars above us. It's a beautiful sight, but I'm so happy the club is a bit away from Tallahassee.

After being on the road for so much of my life, it's nice to rest my head in a serene place away from the ruckus and noise.

I don't mind trips like this, though.

With a gentle hand, I retrieve Starla's helmet from where I had it fastened and hand it over to her.

As she slips it on, I throw my leg over my bike and settle in, securing my helmet before starting her up.

The warmth of Starla's body presses against mine as she wraps her arms tightly around my waist, the strong scent of the vanilla perfume she wears hitting my nostrils.

I waste no time getting us the fuck out of here and lead us back toward the motel.

Despite the fact it's a cold night ride, the scenery around us is gorgeous. Every now and again I enjoy going on a ride in the dark. It's just as beautiful as going out for a ride in the middle of the day.

Twenty minutes later, we arrive back at the motel.

Honestly, I'm glad we got back here before I froze my balls off.

Starla and I head inside the mediocre motel room, the weight of the day finally falling off our shoulders.

With a click, I lock the door behind us and kick off my boots, eager to wrap my arms around Starla and hold her close through the night.

Starla turns on the lights and releases a pent up sigh, exhaustion evident in everything she does.

She glances up at me as she takes off her heels, a small smile gracing her lips. "This might not be the Taj Mahal, but God does it feel good to be off my feet."

Returning her smile, I shrug off my cut and drape it over the armchair. "I'm just glad to have you here with me, safe and sound."

A hint of uncertainty creeps into Starla's expression as she locks her gaze with mine. "You were really worried about me, weren't you?"

I can't help but laugh at her question. "What kind of question is that? Of course I was worried about you."

Starla falls silent before speaking up, "I don't know why I didn't see what was right in front of me."
