Page 38 of Savage

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Runes clears his throat and continues, "Rayna and Magnus should be back here soon to grab one of the trucks and a trailer. They're hauling Aesir's bike back so he doesn't have to leave Aziza's side."

"Good," I respond with a nod, "You know he won't want to leave her side for even a second, not even to take a piss."

"I do," Runes agrees. "We'd all feel the same way if our woman was the one hurt. How is Starla? Is she okay?"

I shrug, "She's as okay as she can be. What happened to her and the ladies was alarming."

Runes doesn't take his eyes off me, "Yes, and that in combination with what she did . . . is she still struggling with killing LeAnn?"

"Without a doubt, but she's hiding it. I think she believes I think she's fine, but I know her better than that. Still, she can overcome it. I told her LeAnn would've been killed anyway, but I don't think she gets it."

Runes shakes his head, "It's different. It's easy for people like you and me to justify death. We've killed before, many times in fact. Starla hasn't. She's good. She's better than we are, more human. That's why it's so damn hard on her. Just . . . keep a close eye on her, brother. You're going to need to."

I nod in understanding, knowing damn well there's darkness floating around in her eyes. I see it every day. She tries to hide it from me, but she can't hide something from someone who knows her inside and out.

"I will. I'm watching over her like a damn hawk."

Runes nods and then sighs, "I need to get back to this planning for Bubba's. Opening day is going to be here next month and there's so much more to finalize. Could you let Starla know I'll need to talk to her later today, or sometime tomorrow?"

I nod, "Yeah, I can do that."

"Perfect. Thanks," Runes mutters as he shifts his attention back to his computer.

I exit Runes office and shut the door so no one goes in to bother him.

As I make my way out into the main area, Magnus and Rayna are coming in. Rayna's face is swollen like she was in a boxing match last night, and her skin is a mixture of blue and purple.

"Hey, how are you feelin'?" I ask with genuine concern as I approach them.

Rayna forces a laugh, wincing slightly in pain. "Like I got into a fight with Jake Paul."

I offer her a sympathetic smile, "Well, I'd hate to see the other guy."

Magnus cuts in, anger thick in his tone. "I wouldn't, I'd kill to see that miserable fuck."

I'm sure there is so much rage flooding through him. If Starla was attacked the way Rayna or Aziza was, there would be a blood bath. Fuck, if Magnus can find the guy, I'm sure there will be.

"Where's Starla?" Rayna cuts in, changing the subject.

A small smile tugs at my lips, "She's upstairs moving her things into my room."

Rayna raises her brows slightly, wincing as she does so. "Wow, really?"

Magnus tilts his head slightly, "You finally jump on the ball with her?"

I nod, "Yeah. We're together now, so she can get out of her room and come in mine, where she belongs."

Rayna smiles, "I'm happy for the two of you. I think you're a perfect match for each other."

I smirk, "Yeah, I do too."

Magnus looks at Rayna, "Are you sure you want to drive back out with me? You could stay here at the club and rest. I can have one of the other guys come with me to get Aesir and Aziza."

"Ray!" Dag comes rushing through the clubhouse at the sight of his sister.

Once he gets close enough, he pulls her into a hug, holding her close. "Fuck, I can't believe this shit. Are you okay?"

Rayna sighs, trying to make light of the situation. "Yeah, I'm okay. Aziza got the brunt of it,"
