Page 29 of Ruthless Prince

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A minute later, Ilya comes out and says, “Well, that was a waste.”

“You don’t like my outfit?”

“I meant the cold shower.” Giggling, I duck my head into my chest and shake my head. He kisses the crown of my head and says, “What happened to your necklace?”

I blush and duck my head in shame. “I was hurt when my father said you were getting married, and I…”

He tips my chin up so that he gets a full view of my eyes. “You what?”

“I threw them away.”

“Oh.” He smiles to himself. “Well, my beloved, I will just have to replace them.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry, unless you’re lying.”

“I’m not. I wish I didn’t because it was my favorite piece, and I never took it off except when it was lost in the pool.” He frowns again, and then he’s on his phone.

“Don’t cry. I never want to see your tears unless they’re for pleasure.” He takes the brush from my hand and slides it through my thick, long hair. “One day, I want a little princess just like you.”

“One day.”

We finally leave his condo, and I’m nervous the entire helicopter flight because we have to face my father and we never got past the whole relationship issue. My almost-abduction was a bigger issue than Ilya’s actions. Now that Fratelli isn’t a problem, I wonder how my father will handle it.

As the helicopter lands and the blades stop twirling, the entire Semyonov family gathers outside with my parents. A bottle of champagne is popped, and a bunch of confetti is released. “Congratulations, Ilya and Natalya,” they cheer.

“My baby girl,” my mother says, running to meet us halfway. She throws her arms around me. “I was so worried.”

“But you saw him take me.” My head tilts, wondering why she’s acting like she didn’t know he was taking me when she practically shoved me into his arms.

“I’m not talking about Ilya.”

“Oh, you knew?”

“Yes. I was with your father, and then he sent me with some of Petrov’s men to be protected. We were immediately brought here.”

“I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry.” She hugs me tightly. “Your father explained it all to me. I would be upset as well.”

My father is next, pulling me into his arms. “My little bird, are you well?”

“Yes, Father. I’m sorry I caused you so much trouble.”

“You did nothing but take a few years off my life. I suppose it is good that you’re marrying young, then. Are you angry with Ilya?”

“No. I knew what I did would force him to act.” He kisses my temple and leads me toward my future in-laws.

“Come here, sweet Natalya.” Mrs. Semyonov pulls me in and hugs me tightly. “I’m so happy that you’re going to be my daughter as well. Although, it feels like you’ve always been.”

“Thank you. I’m thrilled as well.”

“You all took a long time to get here,” my father says to Ilya.

“We had to discuss some matters, and I had to show my new bride one of her future homes.” My father cocks his brow, eyeing Ilya with a death glare.

“Mom, you should see the closet. It’s insane. You’re going to want Daddy to have one built for you.”
