Page 10 of Hunted Heir

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There were only a few seats available at our table and Cal snags one along with Sparrow and the guy that Eden hates, which I learned his name was Logan. Eden and him have a very rocky past. Logan decided to go where his dick wanted him to go, even though he was with Eden for a couple years. They had planned on getting married later. I hate him, too. I got her back.

A few in their group stand behind just watching, eating from the trays in their hands, as others find seats close by and sit there. One of the football players and one of Sparrow’s friends, I believe it was Harper, squeezed in, loudly dragging chairs to our table.

I’m still ignoring them as much as I can. It all changes when the five of them slam their trays onto the table, causing my food to bounce everywhere and everyone else’s.

They sit down. All of their eyes, except for Logan’s, are focused on me, as they start eating. The message in their glares is received, promising shit that I’m not gonna like.

I sigh very audible and very annoyed. I’m starting to feel bad that I’m making everybody’s lunch fucking uncomfortable, because I have a big mouth and I’m clumsy as fuck.

“Everybody eat,” Cal says with a huge smile. He is the epitome of darkness. His dark hair and eyes stand out against his tan skin. He’s hot only on the outside, his insides are fucked.He would be absolutely stunning, very pretty to look at it, if his hate and entitlement he wears proudly didn’t make him so ugly.

“Help yourself.” Cal motions to my plate. Unfortunately for me, my French fries and salad are being thoughtfully shared by a few football guys now. I don’t remember their names. I know I’ve been introduced to them in some class.

I just watch them help themselves, at least it’s free. If I was paying for it, I’d be livid.

“You’re too fat for this anyway,” Harper, Sparrow’s second spits out. I look down at my body, extremely happy with my weight. I’m too thin, on account of lack of money and constantly being busy.

“You gonna eat that?” I ask the three girls including Mia, their third in line out of the trio. All three of them are pushing salad around their plates with their fork. It makes people think that they’re eating because they are constantly messing with food in front of them. Only ever now and then, do they actually put anything in their mouth.

I look at one of the football players making a mess while eating. “Do you want me to cut that for you?” I ask him with the sweetest intentions. He has food all over his mouth.

My stomach growls, reminding me that I’m still fucking hungry. Thankfully it’s only noticeable to me. I get annoyed and start to pull my plate closer, causing a couple of the other guys to laugh.

Cal doesn’t like this, using his hand he grabs my plate and slides it very dramatically to the floor, real fucking mature. They all laugh of course, as most of the cafeteria joins in.

“Real mature,” I snap out. “This is college, right? Not high school?” I look between Eden and Joss when I ask my question. Looking back at the football players, I say, “There is a point in your life when you’re supposed to grow up and not act like a complete idiot. Be a structural influence in the world.” I givethem a big smile, realizing that I’m most likely going to get my ass kicked today. The shit is gonna follow me everywhere.

Cal starts to get his familiar red face again. His eyes are dark, informing me that he’s about ready to lay down. They don’t give a fuck that I’m a girl anymore.

“Enough!” Chance booms out, getting everybody’s attention. “Remember, I know a lot more about you guys than you actually fucking think,” he growls, making sure to look each of them in their eyes.

“It’s true,” Eden whispers in my ear. “They all used to be friends, they grew up together, then Chance came out as gay, and shockingly everybody went away.”Assholes.

Not quietly or calmly, all of them get up at once. “This isn’t over by a longshot, Charity.” Cal makes sure to spit out to me as him and the rest of the players and girls stomp away, letting their irritation be known to the whole cafeteria. I have barely been here that long, and already I have a nickname.

My brain targets my mouth before I have a chance to stop it. “Any chance you can give us the deets?” I ask Chance. “I would love to hear the whole story.” Everybody breaks out in laughter, as a few growls and promises of death come from the adolescent group leaving our table.

We all laugh and continue eating. I share with Eden what she has left on her plate. She was pushing it around like the other girls when they were all here, but between the both of us, we have it gone within seconds.




I have always loved Boston. Strangely enough I get a lot of jobs here. Since I haven’t had much to do for the last week, I leisurely stroll through the town. It’s nice, it’s like a mini vacation.

Since I’ve been here so many times, it’s calming and relaxing, I even rented a house on the coast for a couple weeks. Not a big house, just a little tiny cottage where I go outside every morning and sit on the beach, like I’ve been doing all day.

In my line of work you don’t find too many options for destressing. For me this is it, pure relaxation, even if it’s on a beach, or in a snowy cabin.

My cell phone keeps going off. I’ve been ignoring up for the past half an hour, thinking that it’s Remy. The guy gets too nervous if he sits around for too long.

I finally check the text message that I got. It’s from my handler, the person who brings me jobs.

Handler: 24-year-old male, Christopher Cromwell, Senior at Santorin University in New York.

The text message always deletes itself a few seconds later. That’s why my handler was sending multiple messages.
