Page 13 of Hunted Heir

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They all forgot to mention that this is like a block dorm room party.

Eden laughs at my confused face. “Floors five and six in our dorm building are having a party.” Really? I wonder if anyone can guess what floor we’re on? The fifth floor, that is correct. So when you’re done with the party, there’s no freaking escape. Even if I didn’t want to go to the party, I guess I would be going to the party.

“I thought there would be food?” In Queens we always had a bag of chips, sometimes we got those frozen dollar pizzas andmade a shit ton of them. Food, weed and alcohol, that’s the way to party.

Eden continues to laugh. “We will feed you after. Promise.” I’m holding her to that, dinner was hours ago and I’m already hungry again.

I’m not saying that my parents never fed me, all they did was feed me, good home-cooked meals. But eating here, it’s like eating at a fancy restaurant. It’s awesome, something that we could never afford to have done. Especially not three times a day.

I take back a huge swig of the beer I bought from the liquor store, a forty. I have issues and this is what I’m used to. When you grow up poor, you drink whatever you can get your hands on, always cheap. I still continue to drink my own drink as we make it halfway down the floor. Noticing multiple tables littered with every kind of alcohol imaginable, except for the poor people alcohol.

I shrug and down my forty pretty fast. I get a few whoops and hollers from a couple of the guys and girls that are standing nearby. I dramatically bow, deciding I’ll stick with the other shit. I have no choice, I’m not leaving.

The stairs on either end of the hallway are both open. The elevators have a broken sign. Weird, I used them a couple hours ago.

“Last year when they tried doing this, the students were riding the elevator like crazy, they ended up breaking it. It was out of commission for a month, they had to ordered new parts from another freaking country or something. Got permission for this party, but we had to close down the elevator, and make sure that there was no alcohol.” Eden starts to laugh and I quickly follow, there is way too much alcohol. The admins tried to regulate this party. They’re probably not paid enough or they just don’t give a shit. They don’t want to go head-to-head withsomeone who will definitely get them fired. They got nothing on these rich and famous people. It’s not worth it to have someone half your age cause you to lose your job.

Most dorm rooms are open as people are dancing in and out. “This is cool,” I state as Joss walks up next to me and nods. Couldn’t do this at State.

Music starts to flow everywhere. “They have somebody in the school who is a whiz with technology. They were able to get speakers set up on both floors. You can even hear the shit in the stairs,” Joss states very quietly.

“Hey.” Alden comes up behind me. He’s a football player that I met the other day in one of our classes, flirty and cute, the all American male. From my understanding he used to date and hang out with Sparrow, the bitch queen. I’m not really looking for a hook up with anyone, but I’m happy to talk to him, he’s a really cool guy.

“Shit,” Alden says as he nods down to the other end of the hallway. Sparrow exited the stairs with her three besties. She is in a rage and is currently coming straight for me.

“I’ll take this as my cue to leave,” I sadly say.

We both laugh, then Alden mumbles out, “sorry. She is such a bitch. I honestly have no idea what I ever saw in her.” He laughs, even though it’s small and pitiful. I feel bad for him, really bad. I pat him on the back and jog toward the end of a train of people dancing, they’re going in the right direction. I grab on and start shaking my ass, at least they’re moving pretty fast and others are coming up behind me so I’m blocked, and I have a chance to get away.

I’m not afraid of them, I just don’t want to deal with them, mood downer. I’m trained, but I’m not some awesome fighter you see on all those movies. I can defend myself, but if these girls have any experience, even though they still have the upper hand, it’s three against one.

I dance my way to the end of the hall where I find Pierce and Chance. Both of them are in a heavily battled game of beer pong.

“Ever play?” Chance asks me as he tries to maneuver me on his side. The opposite side of the table from Pierce. Several onlookers have gathered around, watching and drinking, inducted into their own little conversations.

“Yeah, but I’m avoiding,” I say as I looked behind me. The guys and a couple others standing around spot Sparrow and her friends trying to work their way through a huge gathering of people that are either dancing or playing games. I like how they do this, it’s fun, it’s different.

Chance moves his big tank of a body behind me, blocking their view from finding me as I mumble out, “thank you.” I make my escape onto the stairwell. Eden handed me a key to the stairs several days ago, so I can get to the roof.

I have no idea how she came about it, but I love it and I’m grateful to her for doing that. She knows I have nightmares, this is a great escape.

The roof is empty, thank God. Not that many people know that you can go up there and the ones that do, don’t have a key. This is a place I can catch my breath. I’ve always loved to do this in Queens, there were always so many tall buildings. Six floors is good enough to give me a view of everything.

I feel calm and collected, still feel the music pumping from the party down below. Moving my head and body slightly to the rhythm. The roof making it quiet and peaceful. Still too many lights out for me to see the stars but it is refreshing away from all the commotion and now the enemies that I’ve unfortunately made.

A slight noise sounding like a crash snaps my attention to the dorms on the left of us. I get up from the plastic recliner I was enjoying, carefully maneuvering toward the noise but not fully understanding what’s going on.

The sound definitely isn’t coming from the party. I get chills as I realize it sounds like someone’s in distress. Maybe there’s a fight.

I squint, trying to make out the building that’s fifty feet away. On the top floor the shades are down but there are huge gaps in those big drapes. The light is on in there, as I spot shadows moving.

I gasp when I make out the governor’s son, Chris. He’s surrounded by two men kicking and beating the holy living shit out of him.

My voice quivers in my throat as my mouth opens in pure shock. Nothing registers and nothing comes out as I try to scream. I see the shiny metal that’s maneuvered from one of the men.

My hands reach out as I get my throat to properly function and I scream. “No!” Barely audible as I hear one of the loudest booms I’ve ever felt in my life go off. I scream as a flash of a memory also invades my thoughts, a memory from my nightmares.

The guys are now at the window, looking, wondering who spotted them. Maybe they’re just hoping that someone is screaming for something else.
